Sancia lives on a sheep and cattle property near Julia Creek in North- West Queensland with her husband Ashley and their three children Mehar (Yr 12), Jedd (Yr 10) and Emaya (Yr 7) who are all at boarding school. Sancia has experienced distance education, living away in a second home and boarding school since her children began their formal schooling.
Sancia attended boarding school and studied nursing at USQ. Nursing took her overseas however her strong interest in rural and remote health saw her take up positions in various rural and remote locations. She went on to become the Director of Nursing at Julia Creek Hospital and McKinlay Bush Nursing Clinic and the rest, as they say, is history.
Sancia joined Mt Isa BOTA (Branch of the Air) in 2012 and has been involved with the branches annual Sports for Bush Kids event and held the role of President. She has attended State and Federal conferences as a delegate for Mt Isa BOTA. Sancia is a current member of the McKinlay Branch and she is looking forward to working with State Council to continue the advocacy for equity in education for rural and remote children.