Northern Territory
The ICPA NT is a voluntary organisation with three branches representing 100 families in rural and remote Northern Territory. The ICPA NT was formed in 1982 and continues to advocate for equity in education across the NT. Our membership comprises of families that are educating their children on cattle stations, small schools, boarding school, university and the police force. We represent a wide range of people across the NT and continue to help families living in rural and remote areas educating their children just that little bit easier.
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State Conference is held annually, often in March. In the NT, every third year it is a virtual conference and that was the case on 8 March 2023. However, in 2024, the State Conference was held in Alice Springs on 29 February 2024. Being a leap year, the Conference theme was most apt being "Leaping into Learning".
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The Northern Territory State Council was formed in 1981 when the members in the NT decided to take on the convening of the Federal Conference for the 1982 year. At that time the NT had 3 branches who were working separately from one another; 2 were run in conjunction with the School of the Air P&F groups- Alice Springs and Katherine. The Barkly group operated within the people in that local area. Over time the NT has also saw branches in the Gulf region (Cape Crawford) and the Ashburton region take form when the need arose.
In 1989 NT State Council, with Mike Stock and the Lion's Club in Tennant Creek, were instrumental in gaining support for the VISE (Volunteers for Isolated Education) Scheme, which still operates today.
During the mid-1990's the State Council saw a need for a boarding hostel for isolated students in the township of Katherine and so Callistemon House was created.
In 1986 the council saw the need for centralised advertising for Home Tutors; and from that the Home Tutor Register was born.
The NT State Council has maintained a good working relationship with the NT government over this period and through the council's work of these years, the NT Allowances have been instigated and maintained. A list of the current Allowances accessible to families who reside in the NT can be found in the Allowances Portfolio.

Merriel Lawrie (Katherine Branch Life Member), Royelene Hill (Katherine Branch Life Member), Pat Elliott (Federal ICPA, NT ICPA and Katherine Branch Life Member), Jan Heaslip (NT ICPA Life Member) and Kate Schubert (NT ICPA Life Member)