ICPA Qld lobby to ensure the delivery of the best possible educational service to Geographically Isolated (GI) students who do not have daily face to face contact with their teacher, through the support of a decentralised distance education network.
In 2025 the Distance Education portfolio will focus on issues including:
- Ensuring that geographically isolated students remain a priority at Schools of Distance Education.
- That face-to-face activities such as mini-schools, outreaches and property clusters continue as they have previously.
- Programs for GI students with specific needs - Advocating for tailored learning programs for out-of-phase learners and students with Specific Needs (SN).
- Support services for students with additional learning needs - Ensuring adequate staff access and specialised support for GI students, particularly those who face geographical barriers to services.
- Support pathways for students with SN - Requesting a clear flow chart to outline the support and pathways available to GI students with SN.
- Home Tutor support - Designated contact and support for home tutors.
- Timely delivery of school resources - Ensuring that all learning resources are received prior to the start of Term 1 to avoid delays in student learning.
- eTeach units - Rewrite of outdated eTeach units.
- eKindy accessibility - Advocating for the presence of eKindy teachers at regional SDEs, rather than being limited to BSDE.
The Qld Department of Education delivers distance education services through seven Schools of Distance Education (SDEs). These schools were established to provide educational opportunities for geographically isolated and other home-based students with limited educational choices.
In addition, SDE's expand learning opportunities by offering a broader range of subjects for students in mainstream schools and cater to home-based learners by choice, as well as students enrolled in various alternative education centres.
Qld State Schools of Distance Education (SDEs)
- Brisbane School of Distance Education
- Cairns School of Distance Education
- Capricornia School of Distance Education
- Charleville School of Distance Education
- Charters Towers School of Distance Education
- Longreach School of Distance Education
- Mount Isa School of the Air
Qld Private Distance Education Schools
- Australian Christian College
- Faith Christian School of Distance Education
- Groves Christian College
- Ipswich Grammar School
- Jubilee Christian College
- Kingsley College
- Riverside Christian College
For families educating their children through Distance Education, various allowances are available to help offset associated costs. Detailed information about these allowances, along with other available support can be found here or on the Department of Education's website.
Schools Of Distance Education – Loan Hire Scheme
The Loan Hire Scheme is now available at participating Schools of Distance Education throughout Queensland. This is an opt-in scheme available to K-12 geographically isolated students. Families can supplement the computer and broadband subsidies by hiring a laptop device from their SDE. The scheme provides the laptop device, backpack carry bag, mouse, and all relevant software. The benefits of hiring a laptop device through the Loan Hire Scheme include:
• The laptop device comes with all relevant software pre-installed;
• The device is fully supported by SDE technicians, who will receive priority service from the DET service centre;
• In the event the device needs repairs, a replacement will be sent immediately to ensure continuity;
• The device is replaced every 3 years.
Members are advised to contact their SDE if they would like more information around the scheme.
The Distance Education Report 2024 is available for your perusal. You may also read the Distance Education Portfolio Policy when considering motions for your branch for State Conference.
You may also be interested in recent research conducted by University of Southern Queensland (USQ) and AGILE, focusing on the role of Home Tutors within Distance Education. The first research paper can be accessed here.
Distance Education Motions presented to State Conference
Distance Education motions from the past three State Conferences are available on this page.
viewDistance Education Information Flyer
This flyer provides you with information regarding what this portfolio does for members - please feel free to download and share with your branch or community.