As a member of the Isolated Children's Parents' Association within Queensland you are actively helping our rural and remote children access the education and opportunities they deserve.
Queensland have forty-five member bodies and an elected State Council (ICPA Qld) which represents all Qld branches. We are a voluntary, non-profit, apolitical body dedicated to ensuring that all rural and remote students have equity of access to a continuing and appropriate education.
ICPA advocates for families educating children from early childhood through to tertiary. Children may be educated in small rural schools, by distance education, attend boarding schools or school term hostels and sometimes have access to early childhood services. Tertiary students, whether they are attending university or training for a trade, whose family home is in rural and remote Australia frequently must live away from home to access further education.
Being a member of ICPA Qld entitles you to “News and Views” and “Pedals” magazines, State & Federal Council updates via email, information on ICPA activities, support with individual educational issue, and access to an educational support network. Membership entitles you to represent your branch at the annual State and Federal conferences, and gives you voting rights if you are an official branch delegate.
As a member of ICPA Qld you can do as little or as much as you like. Branches may undertake fundraising throughout the year in order to send delegates to conferences as well as to assist both State and Federal Councils. Most importantly your membership will really count when State and Federal council lobby the government to maintain an appropriate standard of education for all rural and remote students.
IS ICPA For You?