ICPA Qld under the Portfolio of Schools (Staffing and Students) advocates to ensure the continuity of delivery of quality educational services to students in rural and remote schools and access to a broad range of subjects and schools experiences to cater for the varying needs of isolated students.
In 2024 the Schools (Staffing and Students) Portfolio will focus on issues including:
- Lowering the requirements for the allocation of two full-time teachers in small schools from 21 to 16 enrolments
- Increasing minimum funding for a second teacher in Level 1 small schools
- Ensuring small schools with teaching principals are allocated and resourced with the required levels of administrative support to ensure administration tasks do not take away from valuable teaching and learning time within the classroom
What ICPA Qld does for your Schools (Staffing and Students)
- Advocates to the DoE to decrease the student: teacher ratio in small schools – the most recent decrease in 2013 was entirely due to the lobby of ICPA Qld – an extra .5 teacher allocation to all schools with more than 21 students is a proud achievement
- Works with DoE and universities to improve the attraction and retention of quality teachers to small schools – we offer reward packages to preservice teachers who have undertaken a rural practicum and currently we are lobbying to make rural education a key focus in education courses - click here for further information
- Makes submissions to relevant groups to ensure rural and remote education remains a key consideration in legislative or program change
- Are available to provide information to support Principals in their school community, particularly in terms of RREAP and their accountability to their P & C
- Remains a key stakeholder and active participant in various departmental groups
- Continues to advocate to the Department of Transport and Translink regarding maintaining rural bus routes, reviewing conveyance allowances and student fares - for more information click here
- Has worked closely with TAFE Qld and DoE to ensure flexibility for students who are accessing VET in our small secondary schools - click here for further information
- Liaises with DoE regarding the Australian Curriculum within our classrooms and the access to extracurricular activities within our regions- click here for more information
- As part of the Joint Parent Council, ICPA Qld works closely with P & C’s Qld, Catholic School Parents Queensland and the Queensland Independent Schools Parents Network. We work together to provide the power of a united voice behind important issues which affect the education of all children across Queensland. ICPA Qld appreciates the consistent support and guidance which is always shown form our colleagues within these organisation
Rural and Remote Education Access Program (RREAP) procedure is available here
Queensland Children’s Hospital School
The Queensland Children’s Hospital School (QCHS) offers world class educational programs to hospitalised patients across Queensland to ensure educational continuity for all. This Queensland Children’s Hospital School, in partnership with regional hospital programs, is leading excellence in hospital teaching and learning through innovative and inclusive practices.
Campuses are located at:
- Queensland Children’s Hospital (South Brisbane)
- Mater Health Services Building (South Brisbane)
- Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (Herston)
- Jacaranda Place (Chermside) and
- Act for kids Pre-Prep (Wooloowin)
ICPA Qld has a representative who sits on the Hospital Schooling Advisory Council. Mrs Judy Treloar who attends quarterly meetings in Brisbane as part of this representation and ICPA Qld State Council appreciates the opportunity to monitor the educational opportunities for those children, particularly from rural and remote Queensland, who are faced with difficulties due to an accident or illness.
The Schools (Staffing and Students) Portfolio Policy is available for your perusal here.
Education (General Provisions) (Extension of Primary Schools in Remote Areas) Amendment Bill 2023
ICPA Qld does not support the proposed amendment with areas of concern highlighted in this submission.
Schools Motions presented to State Conference 2024
Schools motions from the past three State Conference are available on this page
Schools (Staffing and Students) Information Flyer
This flyer provides you with information regarding what this portfolio does for members – please feel free to download and share with your branch or community.
Travelling Arts in 2025
Educators in R & R QLD can now offer students engaging, high-quality arts and cultural learning experiences through a dedicated schools touring service.