ICPA Qld lobbies to ensure that Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is utilised to the best possible advantage for geographically isolated students.
In 2024 the Communications Portfolio will focus on issues including:
- Teacher Accommodation Connectivity - Ensuring that teachers in rural and remote schools have reliable internet access in their accommodation.
- Safety Concerns - Highlighting the critical need for improved telecommunications to enhance the safety of students, families, and school staff.
- Regular engagement with Telstra and nbn to ensure that Members' issues remain at the forefront of their considerations in planning and development
- Working with The Australian Research Centre of Excellence for The Digital Child to progress Stage 2 of the co-designed study into the online education of children
- Maintaining presence in the Communications field, with a submission to the Australian Government's Review into the Better Delivery of Universal Services Obligations - you can read that submission here.
Do you wonder how ICPA Qld assists you with your communications issues?
- ICPA Qld provides advisory support to the Department of Education (DoE), Telstra, and nbn on matters affecting the delivery and affordability of quality internet and voice services for small schools and distance education classrooms.
- ICPA Qld maintains regular communication with the DoE IT department to address current issues.
- ICPA Qld meets regularly with various key DoE branches, including those focused on Infrastructure, Schools, Curriculum, Human Resources and Operations.
- ICPA Qld offers members timely technical information to enhance connectivity.
- ICPA Qld collaborates with Telstra and nbn co™ to keep members informed of the latest developments.
- ICPA Qld prepares submissions to relevant organisations and government departments to ensure that rural and remote education is prioritised in legislative and programmatic changes.
- ICPA Qld serves as a key stakeholder in several communication forums, including the Telstra Regional Advisory Council (TRAC) and other stakeholder groups.
- ICPA Qld liaises with and supports ICPA Australia on Federal communications matters.
The Communications Report presented at the 2024 ICPA Qld State Conference and the Communications Mid-Year Report are available for your perusal. You may also find the Communications Portfolio Policy document helpful when considering motions for State Conference.
Useful links and resources
Regional Tech Hub - The Regional Tech Hub is a valuable resource for regional Australians, providing independent advice and support on phone and internet services. Its role is especially crucial in helping individuals and businesses navigate the confusing landscape of connectivity options, technical issues, and telecommunications services available in rural and remote areas.
eSafety is an excellent Government website providing valuable information on ensuring online safety. One standout resource is the Mighty Heroes online video series, designed for children aged 5 to 8 years. Additionally, a comprehensive suite of downloadable resources are available for parents, providing guidance on online safety for their children.
QLearn is the Department of Education's new digital learning management system for student learning, replacing The Learning Place and integrating multiple systems. This was rolled out in 2022.
nbn Co - plays a pivotal role in connecting Australia by operating the wholesale broadband access network, with the core mission of bridging the digital divide across urban, regional, and remote areas. Their key objective is to ensure that all Australians, regardless of location, have access to reliable, affordable, and fit-for-purpose broadband services as swiftly as possible. This infrastructure is crucial in supporting education, healthcare, business, and other vital services, particularly in rural and remote communities where connectivity can be challenging.
Regional Landing Page provides further information relevant to regional and remote areas.
Having NBN Co representatives attend branch meetings could be a great opportunity to address specific concerns and enhance understanding of connectivity options, cyber safety, and digital literacy. Tailored presentations could also help address any unique challenges faced by rural and remote communities, including those relevant to Schools of Distance Education. If your branches are interested, this could be a useful addition to ongoing efforts to improve broadband access for education and communication in remote areas.
Southern Qld - Liam Boundy liamboundy@nbnco.com.au
Far North Qld - Louise Barnes louisebarnes@nbnco.com.au
North Qld - Carly Crompton carlycrompton@nbnco.com.au
Central Qld - Emma Murphy emmamurphy@nbnco.com.au
Wide Bay/Burnett & Surrounds - Karen Shipp karenshipp@nbnco.com.au
Satellite Skymuster + Providers can be found here.
Telstra - plays an important role in supporting ICPA Qld's efforts to improve telecommunications in rural and remote areas. By offering direct communication channels, such as the Team Telstra emails, Telstra provides assistance with service-related issues that impact families, schools, and businesses in these regions. This is particularly relevant for addressing challenges like mobile coverage, internet connectivity, and the unique demands of remote education.
Telstra also engages with ICPA Qld on broader initiatives, such as improving infrastructure and exploring solutions that enhance safety and access to services in rural areas. Through meetings, consultations, and providing technical support, Telstra can contribute to addressing concerns raised by ICPA Qld, such as connectivity for Schools of Distance Education, teacher accommodation, and safety measures for isolated communities. These collaborations help in advocating for better telecommunications infrastructure, which is crucial for education and daily life in remote areas.
For general enquiries which are not service related, you can get in touch with the relevant person for your area.
Southern Qld - telstrasthqld@team.telstra.com
- May Boisen (Regional General Manager) may.boisen@team.telstra.com
- Sarah Brand (Regional Engagement Manager - Darling Downs/South West Qld) sarah.r.kenny@team.telstra.com
- Matt Thornton (Regional Engagement Manager - Wide Bay Burnett) matthew.thornton@team.telstra.com
- Caley Pearce (Regional Engagement Manager - Outer Metro South & Gold Coast Hinterland/ Ipswich, Lockyer Valley & Somerset) caley.pearce@team.telstra.com
- Troy Hobson (Regional Experience Specialist) troy.hobson@team.telstra.com
Northern Qld - telstranorthernqld@team.telstra.com
- Rachel Cliffe (Regional General Manager) rachel.a.cliffe@team.telstra.com
- Josie Pickering (Regional Engagement Manager - North & North West Qld/Far North Qld) josie.m.ryan@team.telstra.com
- Michael Dwan (Regional Engagement Manager - Central Qld/Central West Qld) michael.dwan@team.telstra.com
- Roger Dewar (Regional Experience Specialist) roger.dewar@team.telstra.com
BIRRR (Better Internet for Rural, Regional & Remote Australia) - By offering resources, advice, and support to rural families, BIRRR complements ICPA Qld’s advocacy by ensuring that families have the information and tools they need to improve their internet connectivity for educational purposes.
Telstra Update - Switching off 3G on 28 October 2024
Telstra have extended the closing date of the 3G network closure to 28th October 2024, to allow people more time to upgrade their devices.
viewSubmission to the Australian Government's Review into the Better Delivery of Universal Service Obligations
Submission to a Review of the USO compiled by ICPA Qld
viewCommunications Information Flyer
This flyer provides you with information regarding what this portfolio does for members - please feel free to download and share with your branch or community.
viewCommunications Motions presented to State Conference
Communications motions from the past three State Conferences are available on this page.
viewManifesto for a better Children's Internet
Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child believe a better children's internet is possible.
viewThe Digital Child Partnership
ICPA Qld has partnered with The Digital Child for the benefit of members.
viewHelpful links for Communications
A list of links to assist with troubleshooting and fact-finding for all things comms related!
viewTelstra Fault Reporting
Information provided by Telstra to report a fault or issue with your Telstra service.
viewHelping Kids Thrive Online
A webinar information sheet for parents of primary school students with general tips and resources.
viewECA - Statement on young children & digital technologies
This document was developed in response to an identified need for guidance for EC professionals on the role and optimal use of digital tech for young children.
viewRaising Children in a Digital World
Please assist our partners to gather knowledge which will empower parents and carers in the digital world.