
Branch Member Information
As a member there can often be so many questions.... below you will find links to documents which will provide answers!

Conference Information
Previous State Conference Motions and Reports are available below, providing valuable guidance for drafting new motions.

Constitution, By-laws & Policies
The Constitution of the Isolated Children's Parents' Association of Queensland outlines the goals, principles and objectives.

These promotional flyers provide information to share what each portfolio has achieved and what ICPA Qld can do for you in your community.

16 April 1971 - Mrs Patricia Edgley MBE called a meeting to discuss the closure of the Bourke School Hostel - ICPA was formed!

Media Releases
ICPA Qld historical media releases - information that has been put forward to media on issues that ICPA have commented on.

News & Views
The News & Views magazine is received by our members quarterly. Become a member to secure your copy!

ICPA Qld values partnerships which have been formed in support of our endeavour to ensure equity in education for our rural and remote students.

Scholarships & Grants
Members can access useful information and links through this page regarding scholarship and grant opportunities available.

ICPA Qld is regularly invited to make submissions in relation to policy regarding the education of rural and remote students.