ICPA Qld lobbies to ensure that students in rural and remote areas have access to post-compulsory educational options that will enable them to pursue the career path of their choice.
In 2024 the Tertiary, Trade and Training Portfolio will focus on issues including:
- ensuring sufficient support networks are available to Apprentices;
- ensuring access to available services for Apprentices and VET students; and
- advocating for local community hubs in regional areas to provide access, resources and support for Tertiary and Trade students.
Check out the websites of the university you are interested in attending – many offer scholarships. Start looking early in the year you commence Year 12 as it can be a competitive process and take some time to apply. You may need to apply before you are even offered a place to study.
TAFE Scholarships are available - find more information here.
Your local Country Education Foundation (CEF) supports youth in your area through financial grants for education and employment expenses. Grants contribute towards apprenticeships, traineeships, cadetships, diplomas, certificate level studies, university qualifications or employment.
CEFA awards scholarships to young Australians interested in civics and citizenship.
CEFA also offers a Scholarship Guide.
The following websites offer information for high school, VET, university (under-graduate and post-graduate students) and Indigenous students:
The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training offers support and scholarship opportunities.
Student Support is also a helpful page which offers a range of support options for students across the state.
JobTrainer Queensland is an investment of more than $201 million into the vocational education and training (VET) sector in Queensland. This joint initiative between the Federal Government and the QLD state government will allow new workers, school leavers, apprentices, and trainees to access free and low cost training.
Approximately 68,500 extra training places will be available for Queenslanders under JobTrainer — plus additional funding will be allocated to secure the wages of existing apprentices and trainees.
Free Apprenticeships for U25's - The Qld Government is supporting young Queenslander's up to the age of 25 by providing access to fully subsidised training across a range of priority apprenticeship or traineeship qualifications.
Tec-NQ is a registered training organisation (RTO) and a senior secondary school that has been in operation since 2007. Tec-NQ provides a range of training and educational programs to Townsville and the North Queensland region including full-time apprentice training, on-demand industry training, pre-employment programs, and school-based apprentice programs.
TAFE in Schools:
TAFE SW Qld offer the following courses online with one week per term on Campus in Toowoomba.
- Electrotechnology (Cert 2)
- Crime and Justice (Cert 4)
- Accelerated to Nursing (partial Diploma)
- For all other areas please use the following Course Guide
Parents and students are encouraged to contact their schools regarding the VET programs available and course points allocated. Certificate 3 & 4 courses can contribute to an ATAR, but not Certificate 2. Cert 2,3 and 4 courses contribute to QCE points. For further information visit QCAA.
Pre-Service Incentives:
Many ICPA Qld branches offer incentives to pre-service teachers who are undertaking rural practicum opportunities in their schools. A list of those available can be found here.
Country University Centres are dedicated learning and study spaces designed for regional people by regional people, meaning that students no longer need to leave their region to attend university and receive the support they need. Click here to find more information or to follow them on Facebook.
Available Allowances
These State and Federal Allowance sheets outline the opportunities that are available to families in rural and remote areas of Queensland, as well as how to apply.
The Tertiary, Trade & Training Report 2024 is available for your perusal.
Unpacking Vet Webinar - recording
Unpack the opportunities and advantages of integrating VET subjects with your child's academic studies.
viewTertiary, Trade & Training Information Flyer
This flyer provides you with information regarding what this portfolio does for members - please feel free to download and share with your branch or community.
viewTertiary, Trade & Training Motions presented to State Conference
Tertiary, Trade & Training motions from the past three State Conferences are available on this page.
viewAre you seeking a School-Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship
Information to assist with a School-Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship