Travelling Arts in 2025

Published: Tuesday, 25 February 2025
R & R Arts

It is with great delight that we share with you details about the travelling theatre group Shake & Stir, who have been commissioned by the Queensland Government to bring the arts to our rural and remote schools. Some of us will remember the joy and excitement of the travelling Arts Councils coming to a country hall nearby and being transported by amazing performances far removed from our everyday lives – seeing a juggler, or an actor or a ballerina doing amazing things. ICPA Qld has long been lobbying on behalf of our members for the return of a touring arts program to rural and remote areas of our state and it seems the call has been answered!  

Shake & Stir are currently calling for bookings for performances and workshops for 2025 as part of their R&R (Regional and Remote) charter – they are available to travel to you. The performances and workshops include 2 new productions, Once Upon An Adventure, and Ash and Amber, as well as professional development and immersion for staff, joint productions with groups such as Flipside Circus, Phluxus2 Dance Collective and much more!  

For more information on the Regional and Remote Schools Touring Services and R&R Arts for Schools Across Queensland