At the 40th ICPA NT State Conference held on the 9th of March, seven of our hard working, dedicated, committed and passionate members where recognised with an Award of Merit.
Martha Van Der Veen (Martha Swart)
NT State Council: Founding Councillor and first Publicity Officer 1982
Founding Member of Katherine Branch
Life Member Katherine Branch
Martha Swart accepted the position of inaugural President of Katherine Branch when we need leadership and organised direction; she filled these requirements to the core.
Intelligent, gracious and with a knowledge of how things worked. She was involved in multiple levels of education, which included the Education Advisory Council (EAC), Country Areas Program (CAP) amongst others.
Later, serving our branch and state on State Council, she committed time and energy into an incredibly busy life.
Pauline Rayner
NT State Council: Councillor 1984, Vice-President 1985, Treasurer 1986
Founding Member of Katherine Branch. Instrumental in the establishment of KICS (Katherine Isolated Children’s Service 1988) travelling playgroup, Katherine Rural College, and Callistemon Boarding House (est. 1997 Katherine). Prior to that Pauline provided private boarding in her home so that isolated children could attend Katherine secondary school.
Pauline Rayner is a name that will be known to many in ICPA, and her contribution to our Association is amongst the efforts of so many unsung heroes in the history of Northern Territory ICPA.
Pauline, a former remote area student herself, has been involved in “battling” for geographically isolated students for years prior to our inception - a skill she brought to us. She and her husband , Ernie, were instrumental in spearheading boarding facilities in Katherine, firstly opening their home, 40ks. from Katherine for to up 13 students to enable them to attend Katherine High School. As the demand grew, she was involved in the establishment of Katherine House - now Callistemon House.
Pauline was primarily involved in a the advent of Katherine Isolated Childrens’ Services (KICS) and Volunteers for Students Education, (VISE) before the imput of the ICPA. And no surprise, in the establishment of the NT Rural College outside Katherine now a campus of Charles Darwin University.
Pauline has continued to support, give valuable advice from branch to state levels, positions where she always gave 100%.
Marg Laughton
NT State Council: Councillor 1988-1989, Treasurer 1991-1995, Councillor 1996, Treasurer 1998-1999
Three bouts on State Council, totalling 9 years with 7 of those years as Treasurer. Also a founding member of Ashburton Branch with Del Harlan and Narelle Miller in the early 1990’s.
Jackie Harvey
NT State Council: Councillor 1993-1995, Vice President 1996, Publicity 1997, Vice President 1998-1999, President 2000-2001, ExOfficio 2002, Vice President 2003.
Life Member of Katherine Branch
Jackie gave 11 solid consecutive years to NT State Council. From remote classroom teacher to a full classroom, Jackie experienced first hand the reality and challenges of educating remotely and was able to articulate these needs to the powers that be.
Ruth Woerle
NT State Council: Treasurer 2011 to 2015
Newsletter “Down The Track” Editor 2007-2018, Archivist 2007 to present
Ruth has so generously worked behind the scenes, for so long, always been there, always advocating and helping our bush children and families of the NT. Raising and educating her family in a variety of remote locations (National Parks) across the NT. Ruth is our longest standing Editor of the ICPA NT Newsletter “Down The Track”. 11 years, approximately 40 editions, 100% voluntary. Moving our newsletter to the modern magazine it is today.
If that wasn’t amazing in itself, she was also a Council member and Treasurer for 4 years and our Archivist for past ICPA records.
Sally Sullivan
NT State Council: Secretary 2009-2011, President 2012-2014, Ex-Officio 2015, Vice President 2016, Councillor 2019
Life Member of Katherine Branch 2021
Sally is affectionately known by many as the “motion Queen”. Quick thinking with a good mind for big picture and strategic fit plus an astute and talented word smith, Sally has played a pivotal role in all areas of ICPA - Branch, State and Federal. Currently still serving on Federal Council, Sally always makes herself available as mentor to current Councillors, as and when needed.
Helen Harding
NT State Council: Vice President 2011, Secretary 2012-2014, Assistant Secretary 2015
Grants Officer: 2012 to current
Life Member of Katherine Branch 2021
Hardworking, generous, quiet achiever. Helen simply gets things done. No fuss, no fanfare, no problems - 100% reliable. You will find Helen behind the scenes, making sure things are working smoothly, ticking off lists and balancing the books. Helen is the type of person that every organisation wishes to have working with them.