My Future,
First off, thankyou so much for giving me a chance at this grant. It will help me greatly if I do receive it, and either way thankyou!
My Future to me is really undecided. I’ve had bursts of motivation in several subjects; writing, designing, astronomical studies, history, and many more. But if you were to narrow it down I would either choose design and astronomical studies. I also enjoy presenting and showing others what I know, so I’ve considered doing astronomical tours. But I’ve got plenty of time on my hands, so I’m going to take it a bit slow and have a go at everything.
I’ve also been inspired by others, like my home tutor Inaya Stone, who just graduated from university after getting a degree in Agriculture.
I've also thought about doing something similar to Greg Quicke, an astronomer in Broome doing Astro Tours for people of all ages. I’ve been recently with some of my family and enjoyed it thoroughly.
I want to go to university too, I think, but first after I’ve graduated school I want to do a one or two years on a station as a ringer. I’ve always wanted to be in that sort of community and prove that I’m good outside too, not just in the schoolroom.
As I’ve said, I have been inspired and interested into many subjects by people around me, but with this money from the grant I hope I can use it to discover my future. I think this will be put forward into upgrading my current telescope, a Dobsonian 5-inch into the larger and better version.
Thankyou again for this grant.