NT ICPA and the ICPA branches within the Northern Territory are voluntary, non-profit, apolitical bodies dedicated to ensuring that all rural and remote students have equity of access to a continuing and appropriate education.
Members of the organisation have children from early childhood through to tertiary. Children may be educated in small rural schools, by distance education, attend boarding schools or school term hostels and sometimes have access to early childhood services. Tertiary students whose family home is in rural and remote Australia frequently must live away from home to access further education
Membership to a NT ICPA branch entitles you to the following:
- Entitles you to branch meeting voting, minutes and branch bursary qualification.
- State and Federal conference voting rights and attendance (paid for by your branch or the lone members).
- Free access to the NT ICPA run Home Tutor Register.
- Qualification for the NT ICPA State Council bursaries.
- Free subscription to the quarterly Publications -- NT ICPA "Down the Track" and the Federal ICPA "Pedals" magazines.
- A voice in your children's education.
For further informaton on joining your nearest branch please contact the following:
- Alice Springs Branch -- Treasurer ... Kelli McLaughlin
- Katherine Branch -- Treasurer ... Fiona McDonald
- NT Lones Branch -- Lone Member Officer... Moira Lanzarin
More information is required by your Branch on an annual basis.
Please download this form and email to your branch treasurer.
Click on the Branch links below to learn more about each ICPA NT Branch: