ICPA WA advocates for equity in education for rural and remote children from early childhood to tertiary with a team of State Councilors working on the various issues under specialist portfolios. Learn more about the issues facing rural and remote students and what ICPA WA is doing to overcome the issues by choosing any of the portfolios below.

ICPA (WA) advocates for eligible allowances to ensure rural and remote children can access education and are not disadvantaged by geographical isolation.
ICPA (WA) works closely with the government, telcos, and other stakeholders to seek affordable and reliable communications for rural and remote students.
Distance Education, SOTA and Curriculum
ICPA (WA) advocates for quality distance education for rural and remote students from kindergarten to post compulsory.
Early Childhood
ICPA (WA) seeks equity of access to educational opportunities for children through the provision of early childhood programs and affordable childcare services.
Funding and Sponsorship
ICPA (WA) actively seeks and is grateful for the sponsorship received from various businesses, organisations and the Department of Education.
Rural and Remote Schools
ICPA (WA) seeks equity of access to education and educational opportunities for students of small rural and remote schools.
Specific Education
ICPA (WA) endeavours to ensure that children with specific educational needs are supported whilst living in rural and remote areas.
Student Accommodation
ICPA (WA) continues to advocate for affordable access to boarding facilities for all rural and remote students.
Teacher Training
The attraction and retention of quality teachers to our schools is a key issue. Teachers can make the biggest difference to a student’s educational outcomes.
Tertiary, Trade and Training
Engaging in vocational or tertiary education should be an option for all rural and remote students regardless of their geographic location.
Affordable and reliable travel for rural and remote students and families is key to accessing education.