
Orange bus

Air, road and train transport are essential modes of travel for rural and remote students accessing education; and for many long distances are not avoidable and one of the most difficult challenges faced by families.

In 2025 the Travel Portfolio will focus on issues including:

  • lobbying the Department of Transport – On-demand Transport and the Minister for Transport to review the transport hub policy criteria for the Student Travel Subsidy Scheme (STSS) – Road Travel Subsidy.

ICPA (WA) has highlighted the inequities that were occurring due to On-demand Transport applying the proximity to a transport hub on a strict basis, irrespective of whether the service goes to the nearest public school, how frequent the service operates, or whether the transport goes in the totally opposite direction.

  • lobbying the Department of Transport to accept and process requests for refunds for airfares under the Student Travel Subsidy Scheme (STSS) up until 31 December.
  • lobbying the Public Transport Authority to ensure that all school bus contractors adhere to the Student Transport Assistance Policy and Operational Guidelines.

The eligibility requirements of the STSS can be found on the Department’s website.

  • to ensure all buses used by schools for the transporting of students be fitted with seatbelts.
  • implement recommendations as presented in the 'Bus Fair' report.

The Conveyance Allowance is an important payment to support rural families travelling long distances daily to meet school bus services and is currently set a 55.6c/km (less than the rate used by the Australian Taxation Office).

  • advocate for an increase in payment per kilometre for the Public Transport Authority (PTA) Conveyance Allowance.

This portfolio is led by Arlene Sutherland and supported by Sally Brindal.

Information for the Travel portfolio

Student Transport Assistance Policy Framework

Updated: Friday, 17 November 2023

A copy of the 'Bus Fair' Report was released in August 2022 following the inquiry into the Student Transport Assistance Policy (STAP) Framework.


WA Road Travel Subsidy Scheme Survey

Updated: Monday, 16 August 2021

WA State Council are seeking information and case studies from families who have experienced a rejection of their Road Travel Subsidy claim.


Travel Portfolio Reports

Updated: Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Conference portfolio reports are a detailed document emphasising issues raised and advocacy undertaken throughout the year relating to the portfolio.
