

There are several allowances (both State and Federal) available to students throughout their compulsory and post-compulsory education. 

ICPA (WA) regularly reviews available allowances and provides members with the most up-to-date information.

In 2024 the Allowances Portfolio will focus on issues including: 

  • the continued lobbying to increase the Boarding Away From Home Allowance (BAHA) rate.
  • advocating for all pre-compulsory students enrolled in distance education programs to be granted Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Distance Education allowance.

Available Allowances:

For a comprehensive list of the latest allowance schedule and guidelines refer to the attached link.  

The information provided is a guide only and applicants must check relevant websites and providers for detailed information, updated rates and eligibility.

Commonwealth Government Allowances

A.  Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC):  Must be claimed by the 31st December of the current year.

A group of payments for parents and carers of children who can't go to a local state school. This could be because of geographical isolation, disability or special needs.

If your student attends a primary or secondary school, School of Distance Education, boarding school, special education facility or agricultural college.

You can claim for the following allowances:

  • Basic Boarding Allowance:  Not income tested.  For primary and secondary students up to the age of 19.
  • Additional Boarding Allowance:  Parental income tested.  For a second home maintained by the family for education purposes only.
  • Second Home Allowance:   This can help you or your family maintain a second home so your children can go to a local school.  Limited to a maximum of 3 children per family.
  • Distance Education Allowance:  This allowance can help your family with the cost of your child studying an approved course from home.  For primary and secondary levels.  

Contact Centrelink on 132318 or visit the website.  Applications to be posted to Services Australia, Student Services, PO Box 7804, CANBERRA BC ACT 2610

B.  Youth Allowance:  All applicants must check the Centrelink website for detailed information and eligibility criteria.  Contact Centrelink on132490 or visit the website.

C.  Austudy:  Financial help if you're 25 or older and studying or an Australian Apprentice.  Visit the website.

D.  Abstudy:  Payments for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students or apprentices.  Contact Centrelink on 132317 or visit the website.                                                                                                                 

State Government Allowances

A.  Boarding Away from Home Allowance: For families that permanently reside in WA and qualify for the AIC Basic Boarding Allowance.  Contact Department of Education, 151 Royal Street, EAST PERTH  WA  6004 or visit the website.

B.  Student Travel Subsidy Scheme:  Provides travel assistance to school and tertiary students who are geographically isolated. The two main types of travel support are:

  • Subsidised fares for air, bus and train travel for eligible students who live within the defined remote area of Western Australia (see map)
  • A road travel subsidy for eligible students who live anywhere within Western Australia but who must be driven in a private vehicle more than 56 km from home to the nearest:
    • Appropriate government school with boarding facilities offering classes in the grade or level in which the student is enrolled, or
    • Regular passenger transport (bus stop, airport or train station - please visit the Transwa – Plan Your Journey website for regular passenger transport hubs and routes), or a school bus service operating between the student's home and the school they are attending.   

Contact Travel Subsidies, Department of Transport, GPO Box C102, PERTH WA 6839, or visit the website.

Information for the Allowances portfolio

Tertiary Access Payment – APPLY NOW!

Updated: Monday, 15 April 2024

Applications are open now for the Tertiary Access Payment.


2024 BAHA Claim Form

Updated: Tuesday, 9 April 2024

2024 Boarding Away From Home Allowance


Federal Allowances 2024 for Rural and Remote Students

Updated: Wednesday, 13 December 2023

Federal Allowances 2024 for Rural and Remote Students


Allowances Portfolio Reports

Updated: Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Conference portfolio reports are a detailed document emphasising issues raised and advocacy undertaken throughout the year relating to the portfolio.


2023 Allowances Schedule & Guidelines

Updated: Monday, 10 April 2023

The information provided is a summary of available allowances.
