Early Childhood

Child in flowers

ICPA (WA) seeks to ensure that an appropriate and affordable range of early childhood programs and childcare is available to support children and families who live in rural and remote areas.  This includes the provision of recognised early childhood distance education programs where there is no reasonable access to an education centre and flexible childcare appropriate to families’ needs.

Areas of interest for Early Childhood includes:

  • How families of vulnerable young children can access, enrol and remain in early learning and the collaboration between early and primary education.
  • The performance and monitoring of those in home-schooling to maintain national minimum standards.
  • Assistance for early childhood students with a disability.

In 2024 the Early Childhood Portfolio will focus on: 

This portfolio is led by Chelsea Mott and supported by Arlene Sutherland.

Information for the Early Childhood portfolio

The ParentHood

Updated: Monday, 8 April 2024

The ParentHood information and video as presented at the 52nd ICPA (WA) State Conference.


Early Childhood Portfolio Reports

Updated: Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Conference portfolio reports are a detailed document emphasising issues raised and advocacy undertaken throughout the year relating to the portfolio.


List of useful Links and Resources for Early Childhood Education and Care families

Updated: Friday, 9 April 2021

This page provides links to useful websites to assist families when navigating the Early Childhood Education and Care system.
