Teacher Training


This portfolio reviews the support, standards and skills required of pre-service, graduate and post-graduate teachers to meet the high standards expected by parents and the standards that our children deserve.

In 2024 the Teacher Training Portfolio will focus on issues including: 

  • pre-service undergraduate teacher placements at SOTA's 
  • working collaboratively with NT State Council and Charles Darwin University on career pathways for home tutors
  • Seeking endorsement/clarification from Universities for their support of governessing as a practical placement pathway

The desire is for universities and the Department of Education and Training to place a very high value on placement in rural and remote areas as a viable option for their practicum requirements.  Offering these students a positive experience in our communities can mean their return upon graduation. 

This portfolio is led by Jasmine Carmody and supported by Chandra Ridley.

Information for the Teacher Training portfolio

Teacher Training Portfolio Reports

Updated: Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Conference portfolio reports are a detailed document emphasising issues raised and advocacy undertaken throughout the year relating to the portfolio.
