The 2024 State Council was elected at the AGM held on the 22nd March in Quorn
President: Belinda Hatcher
Vice President: Kirsty Williams
Secretary: Hollie Williams
Treasurer: Jodie Keogh
Publicity Officer: Ellen Litchfield
Lone Member Officer: Hollie Williams
Branch Delegates are:
Eyre: Di Thomas
Flinders Ranges: Michelle Hilder, Mija Reynolds
Marla Oodnadatta: Dani Chapman, Louise Kohler
Marree Air: Ellen Litchfield
North East: Josephine Drennan, Kristina Crawford
North West: Candice Brown, Edwina Bowie
Port Augusta: Katrina Morris, Pamela Cuffe
We welcome the return of all 2023 executives, taking on their respective roles for another year, consolidating the inroads made and relationships forged during 2023.
Louise Kohler joins the team as the Marla Oodnadatta branch representative, replacing long serving State Council member, Helen Williams. Along with Helen, we farewelled Steph Roseke and Jessica Bell. We thank them all for their valuable contributions.
State Council, and members alike, were thrilled to see Jill Greenfield awarded Life Membership of State Council at the Conference. A well deserved acknowledgement for the years of service and dedication Jill has passionately brought to every aspect of ICPA.
(Missing from the photo: Josephine Drennan)