ICPA SA welcome a small increase to the State Education Allowance (SEA) and the Remote Travel Allowance (RTA) of just over $380 per child, per annum.
The State Education Allowance is available to geographically isolated parents with children at secondary level who board away from home (either boarding or second home) to attend school. The allowance assists with travel, boarding and other expenses associated with the education of their children. Four payments are made each year at the end of each school term.
To be eligible, families must be currently in receipt of the federal Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Allowance.
To claim this payment, an application form must be lodged prior to the end of the current school year: SEA Application Form
More information regarding the State Education Allowance can be found on the Department for Education Travel Concession and Allowances website.
Allowances for remote and isolated families