Federal Conference 2024 - Sydney

Published: Wednesday, 7 August 2024
SA ICPA attendees (L - R): Edwina Bowie, Katrina Morris, Mija Reynolds, Jill Greenfield, Jodie Keogh, Hollie Williams & Tracey Dewell

On behalf of the South Australian ICPA State Council Hollie Williams and Jodie Keogh attended the 2024 ICPA Federal Conference in Sydney in July. Other South Australian members who attended were Mija Reynolds, Edwina Bowie, Jill Greenfield, Edwina Bowie, Katrina Morris and Tracey Dewell.

Tuesday afternoon Hollie and Jodie attended a joint State/Federal meeting with other State Executives and the Federal Council along with the newly established Tech Team. As always it was great to touch base with Federal Council and other states to talk about current issues and what we have all been up to in the ICPA world.

The Pre-Conference Dinner was held at Doltone House. It was a lovely spacious venue with lots of room to move around and catch up with many people. Early conference check-in was also available which many of us took advantage of.

Conference Day 1 kicked off at 9am, we were treated to a wonderful national anthem which was sung by Latian McMillan from Pymble Ladies’ College. The Conference was officially opened by Rory Treweeke AM, ICPA Federal Life Member. Throughout the day we covered many motions, portfolio updates and different State President Reports. The SA President report was pre-recorded by Belinda and was played with a slideshow featuring SA branch photos. Speakers throughout the day included, The Hon Fiona Nash, Telstra and the Country Education Foundation of Australia.  Jana Pittman, World Athletic Champion was the keynote speaker. Her presentation was both engaging and interactive covering both her athletic career and achievements since retiring from sport.

The Glitz and Glamour Conference Dinner was held at Parliament House. Everyone got into the spirit of the theme and there was plenty of sparkle! The sit-down dinner included an alternative drop of Lamb or Chicken and a spectacular individual dessert plate.  Impressive young speakers entertained and inspired us also!

Conference Day 2 started at 8am with the ICPA Annual General Meeting. It was great to witness Jill Greenfield nominating and accepting a councillor position on Federal Council – we are sure Jill will be an asset to their team! Federal Council farewelled two long term key members from their team Kim Hughes and Alana Moller along with Naomi Obst. The day was filled with the remaining motions and reports along with speakers Richard Stokes (ABSA), Julian Moore (Strategic Membership Solutions), NBN, Country University Centre and the Reginal Tech Hub.

The post conference function was held in the historic district “The Rocks” at the Glenmore Hotel Rooftop bar. The view from here was spectacular and the weather was perfect, a great way to wrap up a wonderful few days!!

The NSW Convening Committee along with Federal Council delivered a well organised and worthwhile conference to attend. South Australia is looking forward to seeing what we can deliver next year in Adelaide when we host the 2025 ICPA Federal Conference “Education for the Mind and Heart”.