ICPA lobbies for equity in education for rural and remote children from birth to tertiary with a team of Federal Councillors working on the various issues under specialist portfolios. Learn more about the issues facing rural and remote students and what ICPA is endeavouring to do to overcome the issues by choosing any of the portfolios below.

Boarding / Hostels / Second Home
For many families throughout rural and remote Australia, the education of their children at a local state school is not an option.
ICPA (Aust) works closely with the Federal Government, telecommunications companies and other stakeholders to seek affordable and reliable communications.
An important component of any child's education is curriculum. ICPA (Aust) ensures that a regional and remote voice is heard during the policy process.
Distance Education
For many rural and remote children the only form of education available due to geographical location is via distance education.
Early Childhood Education and Care
ICPA seeks to ensure that a range of early childhood programs and child care be available to support families who live in rural and remote areas.
Rural & Remote Schools
To be educated in rural Australia often involves small rural schools in isolated areas.
School Travel
Air and road travel are essential modes of travel for rural and remote living and education as long distances are not avoidable and most times difficult.
Specific Education Needs
ICPA endeavours to ensure that children with specific education needs are not disadvantaged while living in a rural and remote area.
Tertiary Education
Engaging in a tertiary education at an institution of choice should be an option for all rural and remote students.
Apprenticeships and Vocational Education and Training (VET) are pathways that many rural and remote students venture along.