Tertiary Education

tertiary students

Engaging in a tertiary education at an institution of their choice should be an option for all Australian students who have the ability, ambition, motivation and aspiration to pursue their goals regardless of their socio-economic status, geographic location or circumstances.

Rural and remote students continue to be under-represented at tertiary level and have lower participation and completion rates compared to their metropolitan counterparts. The high cost of relocation, including transport, upfront and ongoing living expenses, distance from university and inability to be able to live at home, access to financial assistance and accommodation availability and affordability are all challenges that result in the under-representation and in turn influences tertiary education aspirations, access, retention and success of rural and remote tertiary students.

Motions passed at Federal Conference are actioned by Federal Council. Prior to the next conference a Conference Motion Update is released to update members on the actions and developments pertaining to all motions. Please follow this link to view the current and previous Conference Motion Updates.

Information for the Tertiary Education portfolio

Federal Tertiary Education Briefing Paper

Updated: Thursday, 12 October 2023

The Tertiary Education Briefing paper provides an outline of the current key issues ICPA (Aust) is advocating for with the Federal Government and stakeholders.


Federal Tertiary Reports presented to Federal Conference

Updated: Sunday, 14 July 2024

Conference Portfolio Reports are a detailed document highlighting advocacy completed throughout the year regarding that portfolio.


Federal Tertiary Motions presented to Federal Conference

Updated: Friday, 22 March 2024

Federal Tertiary motions from the past three Federal Conferences are available on this page.


Relevant Policies to Tertiary Education Portfolio

Updated: Wednesday, 8 November 2023

The below policies are relevant to the Tertiary Education Portfolio.


Federal Tertiary Financial Assistance

Updated: Friday, 5 January 2024

This page outlines Federal Government assistance for those students who wish to undertake a Higher Education course.


Submissions and Reviews relevant to the Federal Tertiary Portfolio

Updated: Sunday, 2 July 2023

The below submissions have been prepared by ICPA (Aust) and have been lodged on behalf of our members.


Federal Tertiary Scholarships

Updated: Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Scholarships can assist tertiary students to cover accommodation, living expenses, course fees, equipment and costs, start-up costs and travel.


Useful Links and Resources for Tertiary students and their families

Updated: Tuesday, 4 July 2023

This page provides links to useful websites to assist students and families navigate the Tertiary Education system.
