For many families throughout rural and remote Australia, the education of their children at a local state school is not an option. In Queensland alone there are eight shires without a high school and another two without years 11 and 12. The decision to send their child to boarding school is a difficult one and not the best fit for all. ICPA has long campaigned for affordable access to an equitable education and the Boarding/Hostel/Second Home portfolio encompasses that.
Motions passed at Federal conferences are acted upon by Federal Council. Prior to the next conference a conference motion update is released to relay what information Federal Council has obtained regarding an issue raised at the previous federal conference. Please follow this link to view current and previous Conference Motion Updates.
ICPA (Aust) presents pre-Budget Submission
ICPA (Aust) has called upon the Federal Government to commit funds to isolated families across the country in its pre-budget Submission.
viewBoarding/Hostels/Second Home Updates
This page is where you will find all the up to date communications information as supplied to ICPA (Aust).
viewOctober 2024 – Delegations to Canberra – Boarding Portfolio – Amber Driver
ICPA Federal Boarding Portfolio Leader, Amber Driver has collated the attached document with an update of Boarding issues raised at Canberra delegations.
viewFederal Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Briefing Paper
ICPA (Aust) has released this document which outlines the current Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) issues advocated with the Federal Government.
viewBriefing Paper for the Boarding Portfolio, Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)
ICPA (Aust) has released this document which outlines the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) issues advocated with the Federal Government.
viewFederal Boarding/Hostels/Second Home Briefing Paper
ICPA (Aust) has released this document which outlines the current boarding, hostels and second home issues advocated with the Federal Government.
viewFederal Boarding/Hostels/Second Home Reports presented to Federal Conference.
Conference Portfolio Reports are a detailed document highlighting advocacy completed throughout the year regarding that portfolio.
viewBoarding/Hostels/Second Home Motions presented to Federal Conference
Federal Boarding/Hostels/Second Home motions from the past three Federal Conferences are available on this page.
viewRelevant Portfolio Policies to Federal Boarding/Hostels/Second Home Portfolio
The below policies are relevant to the Federal Boarding/Hostels/Second Home Portfolio
viewBoarding/Hostels/Second Home Financial Assistance
This page outlines Federal and State Government assistance for those students who live away from home to access schooling.
viewUseful Websites, News and Resources for Boarding/Hostels/Second Home
This page provides links to useful resources, websites and news which will assist families when navigating all things involving boarding/hostels/second home.