Early Childhood Education and Care needs to be accessible, appropriate and affordable for families who live in rural and remote areas. This includes the provision of recognised early childhood distance education programs where there is no reasonable access to an education centre and flexible child care appropriate to families’ needs. The unique needs of geographically isolated families need to be recognised and programs established which address the unique disadvantages associated with caring for and educating children in geographically isolated locations.
Motions passed at Federal Conference are actioned by Federal Council. Prior to the next conference a Conference Motion Update is released to update members on the actions and developments pertaining to all motions. Please follow this link to view the current and previous Conference Motion Updates.
Early Childhood Education and Care Update
This page is where you will find all the up to date early childhood education and care information as supplied to ICPA (Aust).
viewFederal Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Briefing Paper
ICPA (Aust) has released this document which outlines the current Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) issues advocated with the Federal Government.
viewFederal Early Childhood Education and Care Briefing Papers
Rural and remote early childhood education and care issues fall into three broad categories. Follow this link to find out more.
viewRelevant Portfolio Policies to Early Childhood Education and Care
The below policies are relevant to the Early Childhood Education and Care Portfolio
viewFederal Early Childhood Education and Care Reports presented to Federal Conference
Conference Portfolio Reports are a detailed document highlighting advocacy completed throughout the year regarding that portfolio.
viewEarly Childhood Education and Care Motions presented to Federal Conference
Federal Early Childhood Education and Care motions from the past three Federal Conferences are available on this page.
viewUseful Links and Resources for Early Childhood Education and Care families
This page provides links to useful websites to assist families when navigating the Early Childhood Education and Care system.
viewICPA (Aust) Submissions relevant to Early Childhood Education and Care
The below submissions have been prepared by ICPA (Aust) and have been lodged on behalf of our members.
viewRecent Reviews and Reforms relevant to Early Childhood Education and Care
Recent Reviews and Reforms relevant to Early Childhood Education and Care