Sonia Spurdle is a mother to four wonderful girls. Two of them now have spread their wings and are living in Townsville with their husbands. Sonia educated her two youngest children through to Year 12 at Charters Towers School of Distance Education. Her and her husband Graham reside on a cattle property 190 km South West of Charters Towers.
Sonia wears less caps these days than when she joined State Council! She is Rabobank Client Council Chair NQ and ICPA Qld Assistant Secretary.
Sonia has attended six State Conferences now and seeing the passion and determination of her fellow councillors is such an inspiration to her. Sonia has also attended two Federal Conferences and can only encourage members to jump in and attend conference.
Sonia is a very active member of their family business - being a jack of all trades, secretary, mum, grandmother, wife, jillaroo, bank manager, cook, cleaner and the list goes on. This is a common story of most women in the bush and she wouldn't trade it for all the money in China.