The Kindon branch was formed on 12 August 1972 following a QCWA meeting at Yagaburne. The minutes from this historic gathering refer to concerns about the need for Government assistance to educate country children, as well as staffing issues in rural schools. The inaugural executive consisted of Mrs Heather Gollan as President, Mrs Cathy McClymont as Secretary and Mrs Joan Moffatt as Treasurer and stayed the same for eight years. Cathy served as Secretary for 12 years and is the longest period of service as an office bearer in the Branch. The branch did not hold meetings in the early days but instead passed on news at the local CWA meetings or P & C meetings.
Early correspondence is very informative and also mentions the weather status at the time be it drought or wet.
Kindon ICPA applied for registration as a branch member body in 1990.
Some other members have been office bearers for long periods of time and are worth a mention. Jan McClymont was Treasurer for 8 years, Treasurer Daryl Martin was in the position for 8 years and Tom McClymont served as President for 7 years.
Members who have served on Federal Council:
Di Skene (2017 - 2020)
Nikki Macqueen (2014 - 2021) - currently ICPA Federal Webmaster & part of the Tech Team in off-council positions.
Certificates of Appreciation:
In 2002 the Inaugural Executive of Heather Gollan (President), Cathy McClymont (Secretary), Joan Moffat (Treasurer) and also long term Office Bearers Lois Martin (Secretary - pictured below), Jan McClymont (Treasurer) and Tom McClymont (President) were issued with Certificates of Appreciation.
Nikki Macqueen, Daryl Martin, Andrew Waugh and Bryan Lahey all received Certificates of Appreciation on 14 December, 2022.
Certificate of Appreciation to Lois Martin 2002

Certificate of Appreciation to L to R, Bryan Lahey, Nikki Macqueen, Andrew Waugh, Daryl Martin (absent) 2022

The Cathy McClymont Tertiary Bursary
In 2022, in honour of Cathy McClymont, who was Secretary of the inaugural committee and a driving force within the branch for 11 years, the Kindon branch set up a bursary of $500 to help an aspiring rural student with their study.
Application information can be found here.
Certificate of Appreciation Awards 2022

December 2022 saw four members of the Kindon Branch awarded with Branch Certificates of Appreciation. Congratulations to Nikki Macqueen, Andrew Waugh, Daryl Martin and Bryan Lahey.
(L-R) Bryan Lahey, Nikki Macqueen, Andrew Waugh and Daryl Martin (above).
In the early days the branch ran a “Christmas Cheer” raffle which consisted of 12 bottles of beer (tickets were 20 cents each). Regular donations were also received from the Wyaga Progress Association and the Kindon QCWA. The branch also hosted a fence painting competition at the local gymkhana.
In recent years we have done Jazz on the Hill, Trivia nights, MND fundraiser and we cater for the Talbalba Bull sale each year.
2017 MND Fundraiser

Jazz on the Hill 2016

2019 Yabbie Races at Quiz Night

Catering Talbalba Bull Sale 2020

In 1992 Kindon was involved in the Federal Conference held in Toowoomba at Toowoomba Grammar School. They helped with the planning and provided afternoon tea on the first day. 11 branches helped host the conference.
In 1994 our branch helped with the catering of the State Conference held in Goondiwindi.
Kindon, Moonie and Westmar/Inglestone branches cohosted the 2012 State Conference in Goondiwindi.
Over the years, branch members have worked hard to ensure that children in the local district have access to better education opportunities. We regularly send delegates to both State and Federal Conferences and realise that it is important to support the State and Federal Councils in the work that they do by regularly donating funds to each.