Welcome to the Dirranbandi Branch!
Dirranbandi Branch covers the areas of Dirranbandi and Hebel (located on the QLD/NSW border). We are proud to be the second formed Branch in Queensland following Cunnamulla in September 1971. Amongst the founding members were Anne and Tony Gall, Rens Carson, Ken and Margaret Mander-Jones, and Garth and Sue Ferguson.
After an earlier push to raise our profile, we are now a very active branch, even hosting the ICPA Qld mid year conference in 2017.
Dirranbandi Branch has been represented on State Council by:
• Anthony Gall (Deceased) 1971-1975
• Garth Ferguson 1978-1981
• Stewart Reynish 1988-1991
• Carmel Chalmers 1986-1991
• Pam Crothers 2002-2009
• Jessie Persse 2017- current
Dirranbandi Branch has been represented on Federal Council by:
• Anthony Gall 1971-1974
• Sue Ferguson 1985-1990
• Carmel Chalmers 1993-1995
Life Members:
• Garth Ferguson
• Sue Ferguson
Particular Issues of Concern
• VET subjects - flexible learning options
• Small bus runs
• Continuity of staffing in rural and remote schools
• Access to and costs related to regional sports.
Bursary Information
1. Secondary - $500 awarded to one successful applicant. Criteria based around a written application detailing student achievement (academic, leadership and community). Open to year 6 students entering high school the following year.
2. Post-Compulsory - $400 awarded to successful applicants who meet the application conditions. Criteria based around a written application detailing the nominated study path selected by a student for the year after they complete compulsory schooling.
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ICPA Dirranbandi Branch