
Charleville Branch Logo

Welcome to the Charleville Branch!

A meeting was held at Corones Hotel Charleville on 2/11/1971 (Melbourne Cup Day) with the idea of forming the first State Council of ICPA in Australia. A few weeks later on 25 November 1971, once again at Corones Hotel the Charleville Branch was formed with Alan Murray elected President; Tim Agar was Secretary/Treasurer and Leah Fisher as Assistant Secretary. The initial focus of the Branch was allowances. Charleville Branch was strengthened in 1977 and 1978 by amalgamating with Morven and Langlo Crossing Branches.

Conferences Hosted
Federal - 1975 [first conference held outside of Bourke] and 2002
State - 1980 and 1996 [Silver Jubilee]
State Executive Meetings Hosted
1975, 1979, 1980, 1996, 2002

Pedals Editor - Federal Magazine - Lyn Cadzow 2001 - 2005

Branch Members on State Council
Alan Murray, Committee 1971 - 1972
Mac Patterson, Committee 1972 - 1974 [Langlo Crossing]
Tim Agar, Committee 1975 - 1976
Michael Lord, Committee 1980 - 1981
Shirley Armstrong, Committee 1982 - 1984
Michael Burgess, Committee 1984 - 1986
Judy Treloar, Committee 1994 - 1996, State Secretary 1996 - 2000
Sue McDonald, Committee 2003-2005, Assistant Secretary 2005

Louise Winten, Committee 2016 - current

State Certificates of Appreciation Awarded
Shirley Armstrong

Branch Life Membership Awarded
Tim Agar
Leah Fisher
Peter & Shirley Armstrong
Michael & Barbara Lord
Jenny I Crichton

A Qld Council Plaque was presented as an acknowledgement to Annabelle Brayley as Co-ordinator of the Host Student Program 1997 - 1999 and also to Judy Treloar for her commitment to State Council.  

ICPA Charleville Branch Rural Practicum Incentive Bursary
$250 one Pre Service student per school each year beginning 2019
Schools – Morven State School, St Mary’s Primary School, Charleville Primary School, Charleville High School, Charleville School of Distance Education
Contact – Branch President, Mrs Rebecca Sargood

In the mid 1980's under Shirley Armstrong, the Branch was proactive in advocating for practical teacher training in remote schools. A most successful program was implemented to host trainees in rural areas with Shirley the driving force working with QUT (Qld University of Technology). A need for teacher practicums in the late 1990's was identified and the Host Student Program was once again reactivated by our Branch and co-ordinated by Annabelle Brayley. 

 Issues for the Branch now comprise not just allowances but Early Childhood, small schools, special needs, teacher education and distance education.

Branch Executive
christy wearing blue and white shirt

Christy Bredhauer

A member of our team

Kristy Cornford

A member of our team

Cassie Ryan

Louise Winten

Louise Winten Qld

Publicity Officer
Branch Mentor
Sally dressed in light blue denim

Sally Campbell

Branch Mentor
Branch Life Member
A picture of Judy Treloar wearing glasses

Mrs Judy Treloar

Life Member