Anna McCorkle NSW

Anna McCorkle
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Anna is a member of the Bourke Branch is Western NSW, who are excited to host the 2022 NSW State Conference – it’s 50th - Back in Bourke where it all began.  

Anna, her husband Matthew and son Henry live near Bourke. Anna has a lifetime of rural and remote education experiences - be they as a student, teacher or boarding school Mum. Anna grew up west of Bourke and like many other rural and remote children was enrolled in the Correspondence School in Sydney, and in Year 2 transferred to SOTA - Broken Hill – feeling so ‘connected’ to her peers through the VHS radio. Anna then attended boarding school in Sydney 800km from home for six years, likewise for university.

Anna is a Secondary School Visual Arts Teacher, working since 2003 at Bourke High School and retraining to be the Careers Adviser in 2005, and more recently as a Vocational Education and Training trainer. Anna sees every day the life changing opportunities that education allows.

At her first Federal Conference as a Bourke Delegate (Alice Springs 2017) she was astounded by the depth of issues covered, and the united strength of ICPA.  

ICPA has for 50 years relentlessly and respectfully lobbied for equity in education for all ages of students. In appreciation for this she would like to give back to the organisation that contributed to her foundational education experiences by joining Federal Council.