Sally Brindal
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Sally lives in Mingenew, a small farming community in the Midwest. She has been farming in partnership with her husband Steve for 25 years, firstly as a mixed enterprise and now just broadacre cropping. They have three children – two at university in Perth and one undertaking a business traineeship. In her previous life Sally was the Legal & Business Manager for an agricultural accountancy firm in the UK; knowledge and experience that has been most useful in setting up and running their own business.

Sally became a member of the Midwest Branch in 2013, the year her eldest child went away to boarding school. ICPA had always been on her radar and she thought it would be a good organisation to be a part of with her daughter starting boarding school.  However, since joining Sally quickly realised that ICPA is so much more than just about children going away to boarding school or School of the Air. There are so many issues that affect access to an equitable education for children from all rural areas starting from early childhood right through to tertiary.

Sally joined State Council at her 2nd State Conference in 2018. She is super excited to be part of such a great organisation and relishes the opportunity to network with people from across our State and beyond. When time permits Sally enjoys playing hockey and tennis and likes gardening. Sally is passionate about all children having the same educational opportunities, irrespective of location. Deliverance of education may need to be different, but that does not have to mean disadvantaged.