Engaging in tertiary education at an institution of their choice should be an option for all Australian students who have the ability, ambition, motivation and desire to pursue their goals regardless of socio-economic status, geographic location or circumstances. Rural and remote students continue to be under-represented at tertiary level and have lower participation and completion rates compared to their metropolitan counterparts. They experience multiple challenges and barriers to accessing higher education including cost, socioeconomic status, distance and school experiences, preparedness and aspiration in pursuing tertiary education. These in turn influence their tertiary education aspirations, access, retention and success and are key considerations if a student can take up the option of tertiary education. The single greatest barrier to rural students’ access to tertiary education is cost.
Federal Council have been continuing their work on the ongoing costs for relocation and securing accommodation and travel to and from university. In the Federal Tertiary briefing paper, they have outlined recommendations to take to federal government, focusing on parental income limits, which are putting barriers up for our rural students and the lengthy waiting times students and families are experiencing when contacting Centrelink.
At the moment there are several Australian Government scholarship and payment programs that are available to support regional and remote undergraduate, postgraduate and vocational education and training students including the Tertiary Access Payment (TAP), Rural and Regional Enterprise Scholarships (RRES) and Destination Australia Program.
Tertiary Access Payment is available to those students relocating to attend further education.
Criteria is as follows;
- An inner regional, outer regional, remote or very remote school-leaver AND
- Relocating at least 90 minutes from your regional or remote family home by public transport to commence a higher-level tertiary education AND
- Studying a full-time university course, a Vocational Education and Training (VET) course or other higher education course (Certificate IV or above) AND
- Commencing study in the year immediately following completion of year 12 or equivalent
The Tertiary Access Payment is a one-off, means tested (parental income under $250,000) payment for inner regional, outer regional, remote or very remote students commencing tertiary study in Semester 1 or Semester 2 in the year following Year 12. A payment of $3000 or up to $5000, is available to assist with the cost of relocation – start-up expenses, cost of living, direct costs of education or training and the cost of travelling home in semester breaks.
Do you fulfil these eligibility criteria?
- Do you live in an inner regional, outer regional, remote or very remote area AND
- Commencing study in the year immediately following completion of year 12 or equivalent AND
- Studying a full-time university course, a Vocational Education and Training (VET) course or other higher education course (Certificate IV or above) of a minimum duration of one year AND
- Relocating at least 90 minutes from your regional or remote family home by public transport to commence a higher-level tertiary education AND
- Combined parental income is $250,000 or less
Visit Services Australia for full details including eligibility criteria and to apply. Applications opened on 1 January 2024.
Tertiary Access Payment Fact Sheet
School Leavers Guide 2023 compiled by the office of Rowan Ramsey MP - Federal Member for Grey
Destination Australia
The Destination Australia program funds eligible tertiary education providers to offer scholarships of up to $15,000 per year to domestic and international students to study a Certificate IV to Doctorate level qualification at a regional campus and live in regional Australia.
Destination Australia have a list of eligible tertiary institutions that are available. Applications are made through the eligible institution and potential applicants should contact their education provider to determine availability and eligibility.
For more information, go to Destination Australia
ICPA (Aust) believes that the following issues need to be addressed in order to alleviate these barriers for rural and remote tertiary students and the recommendations here in seek to ensure rural and remote tertiary students have access to a high-quality tertiary education commensurate to their needs and aspirations:
- Appropriate financial assistance for relocation and ongoing costs associated with living away from home to access tertiary education. The high cost of relocation and ongoing costs such as securing accommodation, travel to the place of study initially and travel home during the year and upfront and ongoing living away from home expenses.
- Access to financial assistance
- Youth Allowance eligibility barriers including parental income limits.
- Centrelink Processes - engagement of appropriately and well trained staff to provide accurate information and assistance in relation to allowances particularly Youth Allowance. Address the unacceptably lengthy waiting times when making contact with Centrelink.
- The implementation of tertiary measures and recommendations from reviews and election commitments
Additional Information for this portfolio can be found on the Federal Tertiary Education Portfolio page.
SA ICPA 2024 State Conference Motions
SA ICPA 2024 State Conference Motions
view2024 Motion Response to Members
The following is a document that has combined all motion responses and any follow up that have been undertaken since the 2024 State Conference.
view2024 Allowances for Rural and Remote Families
SA ICPA have updated information regarding State and Federal education allowances
viewSupporting Case Study Template
Please use this form to provide State Council with case studies to support their advocacy for motions carried at State Conference.
view2020 Indulkuninna Foundation Bursary
The Indulkaninna Foundation bursary benefitted SA ICPA member students to the value of $10,000 to support education for disadvantaged rural students
viewSA ICPA Tertiary Portfolio Information Sheet
Helping to advocate for students who have the ambition, motivation and ability to pursue further studies
viewSA ICPA 2021 State Conference Motions
SA ICPA 2021 motions presented to State Conference
viewSA ICPA 2019 State Conference Motions
SA ICPA 2019 State Conference Motions