Westmar Inglestone Branch

branch name tag
Certificate of Appreciation

It takes a village to raise a child and it takes branches and members to make an organisation such as ICPA QLD.  State Council today wish to acknowledge and draw everybody’s attention to the Westmar Inglestone Branch located in south western Queensland. 

If you became a member of ICPA Queensland since 2007, then you would have received a package from ICPA Queensland in the form of a “New Members Pack” and that actual physical package is compiled and posted from this branch.

The branch volunteered to assist state council with a mailing out of new new members pack, they felt that at the time as one of the larger branches in the state it was something they could do to assist state council and they have continued to do so over the past 17 years.  Over the years there have been several branch members who have been responsible for doing this role and each of them as valuable as another.  State Council would like to acknowledge each and every one for their contribution, not only to their Branch and the State, but to the organisation as a whole.  A special mention must also go to the current branch member who is compiling and posting out these packs has been doing it for over 10 years and that is Natalie Slack.

Westmar Inglestone receive no financial assistance, the branch covers the cost of the printing and postage of these packs.  I am sure their nominees must at times feel overwhelmed when State Council has membership drives but they are efficient and organised and continue on.

The branch is smaller now that when this role was first undertaken, however still as valued by all. Ultimately the first contacts that new members have with our incredible organisation after paying their membership is from Westmar Inglestone Branch and today we would like to recognise the Branch with a Certificate of Achievement.