Contact Lisa - NewsandViews@icpaqld.com.au
Lisa grew up in a family involved with ICPA with her mother being a Past President and Treasurer of the St George Branch and a father who was also an active member. Once marrying, Lisa joined the Talwood ICPA Branch before transferring to St George Branch. Lisa has held a position on the executive of St George Branch for 14 years.
Lisa and her husband Donald reside at Weengallon where they breed sheep, cattle and goats and dabble in that elusive gamble called farming when the moisture allows. They have two sons who have both completed their education. The eldest, Matt, enjoys his work with heavy machinery and Cameron is an accomplished rodeo rider who follows the rodeo circuit continuously, coming home to work where he also breeds sheep and goats.
ICPA has always been a part of Lisa’s life and is a continual journey by all to provide the opportunity for an equitable education for our rural and remote children. It is through the tireless efforts of many that we are able to say that ICPA truly is an iconic part of our Australian educational history.
As the Editor of the ICPA Qld News & Views magazine, Lisa looks forward to continuing to bring you all the latest information you require to provide an equitable education for your children.