Hasting Donaldson

A member of our team
Branch Life Member

BLM Nomination - 2017

Hastings and Sandra Donaldson have been members of the Alpha branch of ICPA since the late1980’s.  They have lived on their family block Medway at Bogantungan all of their married life and with four children their involvement with ICPA has spanned many years.  Both Hastings and Sandra played pivotal roles in setting up our annual 7-a-side cricket day and with their insight the cricket day has now been active for 25 years and each year it gets bigger and better.    
During their children’s primary educational years through the Capricornia School of Distance Education Hastings and Sandra formed many motions to be debated at conferences and this continued as their children went off to boarding school.  
Hastings and Sandra have always held State and Federal ICPA Councils in high regard and as a direct result of fundraising at the cricket day both councils have benefited greatly as well as our children in the community. 
It is with great pleasure that our Alpha ICPA branch nominate Hastings and Sandra Donaldson for Life Membership as we feel they are worthy candidates for their dedication to ICPA.