Welcome to the Clarke Creek Branch!
Established 2005
Clarke Creek is proud to be one of the youngest ICPA branches.
In response to community concerns around the inclusion of an additional cohort (Prep) to one-teacher schools and no foreseeable change by the Education Department to the teacher: student ratio in one-teacher schools, our ICPA branch was formed. Rose Philp who was our QLD President at the time, drove to Clarke Creek and attended a community meeting to share information about ICPA and assist with establishing our ICPA branch.
Our first branch executives were:
- Mrs Anneli Day (President)
- Mrs Lynise Conaghan (Secretary)
- Mrs Jane Sherry ( Vice-President)
- Mrs Elizabeth Hill (Treasurer)
It was not long before the first of our motions around one-teacher school staffing were presented at our first conference by new delegates Lynise Conaghan and Anneli Day at St George. Our motions were passionately debated and (eventually) carried! Our branch has since been represented by delegates at most State Conferences and some Federal Conferences.
The work undertaken by ICPA to address and lobby issues that were and continue to be pertinent to families living in geographically isolated areas have not gone unnoticed. We are proud to have had local representation on both State and Federal Councils.
Members on State Council:
Penny Wallace , State Councillor 1985-1986, State Treasurer 1987-1990
Lynise Conaghan, State Councillor 2007-2010, State Publicity Officer 2008-2009
Anneli Day, State Councillor 2021 – 2024
Members on Federal Council:
Lynise Conaghan, Federal Councillor 2015 –2017
Branch Success Stories
Clarke Creek ICPA Branch strives to provide opportunities for our local bush kids.
In 2011 we combined forces with the Capricornia Branch of the Air to host the 40th ICPA State Conference at the Rockhampton Grammar School.
We have, over many years contributed towards the cost of sending our local primary children to Clermont ICPA Sports Camp.
In 2017, following significant flooding from Cyclone Debbie a Ladies Day fundraiser was held at “Beranlie”, the home of the Day family. It was a highly successful day with almost 200 guests. The event placed the branch in its strongest financial position to date and has allowed us to support many community initiatives in recent times.
We also provide free swimming lessons to children aged from birth to 4 years who are members of our local branch.
Plans are well underway to host a Gala Dinner this year to celebrate 50 years of our local school and to thank the many families and community members, past and present who have contributed in some way towards making our school what it is today.
Current Area of Concern:
Staffing in our one-teacher schools continues to be an area of concern for our members, despite the staffing formula changing since the implementation of Prep. The addition of Kindy brings new concerns, particularly when the school enrolment represents a high number of students in K-2. Young adults undertaking apprenticeships, relocating for this work, and the support networks in place continues to also be an area of concern for our branch. Recent closures of on-site accommodation facilities at Schools of Distance Education and the adverse impacts that this has on students and families is also relevant to our members.