2023 ICPA Federal Conference Darwin

Published: Sunday, 26 May 2024
2023 SAICPA Federal Conference Day 2

South Australia was represented this year at the ICPA Federal Conference in Darwin by State Vice President Kirsty Williams, State Secretary Hollie Williams, State Treasurer Jodie Keogh, State Councillor/Marla Oodnadatta Rep Dani Chapman, Webmaster/Flinders Ranges Rep Lisa Slade and Marree Air Reps Lisa Edwards and Lucy Morphett.

Federal Conference provides an opportunity for members to not only gain a deeper understanding of ICPA, but also chance to network with other like minded,  passionate members and stakeholders from across Australia who share the unique goal of improving educational outcomes for all rural and remote children.  Conference can be a roller coaster of emotions, listening to families share their stories can be heartbreaking yet uplifting. For families brave enough to share their individual stories, the overwhelming ground swell of support from the Conference floor is second to none and reinforces the need for ICPA to continue to be the voice for rural and remote Australian children.

There were many highlights throughout the 2-day conference. This includes the Flinders Ranges motion being mentioned by the Regional Education Commissioner Hon. Fiona Nash in her opening address. Seeing Judy Sinclair Newton being awarded Federal Life Membership, and Jane O'Brien being presented an Award of Merit was lovely . It was also great to be in the room as Sue Shotton said her final farewell from Federal Council after holding many different roles over many years along with former Federal President, Wendy Hick.

SA State President Belinda Hatcher was unable to attend Federal Conference due to shearing commitments, however she pre-recorded her President's Report which was accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation showing our SAICPA families and landscapes from across the State which was enjoyed by all.

South Australia presented two motions which were both carried, one from the Flinders Ranges Branch regarding a change to Family Day Care Legislation and one from State Council requesting to host the 2025 Federal Conference. We look forward to welcoming members from across Australia back to Adelaide in 2025!

Federal President Alana Moller stepped down at the AGM after four years dedicated to the role, her emotion and passion was evident throughout the proceedings as she closed the Conference to a standing ovation.  SAICPA welcome Louise Martin to the role of Federal President, we wish her all the best as she steps into her new role and we look forward to working with her along with the new Federal Council team.

We wish to thank Federal Council, Connellan Airways Trust, our State Council and our own branches for the support in attending the 2023 ICPA Federal Conference.

SA President's Report to Federal Conference 2023