Wendy Hick

wendy wearing dark green dress
Certificate of Appreciation

Wendy Hick is an active  member of Mt Isa Branch of the Air holding many Executive roles over the years. At  State Conference in 2010, she was elected a member of ICPA Qld State Council. After one year she stepped up from her Councillor role into that of Vice President, a position she held for the next four years. In her final year as Vice President, she also stepped up into a role on ICPA Federal Council; and not just any role - she stepped straight in as Federal President! At Cloncurry Conference in 2015, Wendy officially took off her State Council cap but remained as Federal President for four years, and Immediate Past President for the next four.

Wendy held the portfolios of Curriculum and IT during her time on State Council.

Wendy represented ICPA Qld as a member of the Rural and Remote Education Access Program (RREAP) State Advisory Committee and was also on the Priority Country Access Program (PCAP), the predecessor of RREAP.

She also contributed to ICPA Qld, our families and students, whilst on State Council, through the following involvement:

  • Queensland Review of Senior Assessment and Tertiary Entrance Processes 2013-2014 stakeholder representation
  • Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum stakeholder representation 2013
  • Public Inquiry into the Productivity Commission’s Future Options For Childcare and Early Childhood Learning Submission ICPA Qld Inc. 2014
  • Attended Inaugural Early Childhood Education and Care Network Event – Great Beginnings, Promising Futures Sept 2014
  • Assisted with submission for Australian Education Bill 2012
  • Assisted with submission for Regional Telecommunications Review May 2013
  • Assisted with submission for Implementation of National Broadband Network in Qld. May 2013
  • Assisted with Australian Curriculum Phases 2 and 3 Implementation Schedule Prep – Year 10 May 2013

  During her last years on State Council she mentored incoming Councillors. Indeed, even once stepping onto Federal Council she continued to provide support and guidance to those who sought it. Even though she has officially stepped away from ICPA Council to this day, she continues to provide an ear, a supportive and kind word and impart her deep knowledge and understanding of ICPA policies, procedures and intent to whomever contacts her.

Wendy’s passion for, and commitment to, ICPA, our members and their families is inspiring and, at once, valuable and valued.

An ICPA Qld Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Wendy at the 53rd State Conference held in Townsville on 4th June, 2024 by State Councillor Mrs Kylie Camp.