A significant raise in the LAFHAS has been a longstanding lobby for ICPA Qld State Council and the excitement at the Queensland government's announcement in 2023 at the Julia Creek Conference was evident. In addition, the acknowledgement of the vital role which ICPA Qld State Council and its members played in the increase was proof that together we can make things happen for rural and remote families.
This success received wide coverage across media sites, including a piece on WIN news, starring our very own Publicity Officer, Mrs Melissa Iland, which you can view here. Education Minister Grace Grace MP 'thanked the ICPA for their budget submission which was instrumental in bringing about this significant increase' which was a worthy acknowledgement of the respect and high esteem for ICPA Qld at the State Government level.
Thanks to the Queensland Country Life for continuing to cover these issues which are integral to our rural and remote communities and education in general.

Specific Increase Information:
For primary school students, the base allowance will continue to be $2,182, but the additional allowance of 50 cents for each $1 tuition fee charged in excess of the base will be boosted up to a maximum total allowance of $8,360, instead of the current $4,360.
For secondary school students, the base allowance will continue to be $3,144, but the additional allowance of 50 cents for each $1 tuition fee charged in excess of the base will be boosted up to a maximum total allowance of $10,276, instead of the current $6,276.