State Delivered Kindergarten
ICPA Qld acknowledges the Department of Education and the Office of Early Childhood’s initiative to create State Delivered Kindergarten in an attempt to allay concerns regarding 15 hours access per week for 4 years old children to a quality kindergarten program in rural and remote communities as is expected under the Universal Access Agreement. Further information and a list of all SDK's can be found here.
The eKindy Program provides another opportunity for families to access a comprehensive ‘at home’ kindergarten program for children in the year before Prep. Delivered by the Brisbane School of Distance Education the program is designed so that children living in rural and remote areas, traveling or medically unable to attend a local early childhood service can engage in quality kindergarten experiences and maximise their learning as they play, create, imagine and discover.
To further enhance the kindergarten year eKindy Pods are now being offered as another alternative in some communities. These can be groups of children gathering in one place with a facilitator delivering the eKindy program and have grown to take on many formats.
Further information about eKindy and a list of eKindy Pods can be found here.
![little girl painting at easel](