Qld Lone Members

Qld Lones ICPA Branch Logo

Welcome to the Qld Lone Members Branch!

The Lone Member’s Branch was formed in 2002, after the Constitution was changed at the Atherton State Conference.  Prior to 2002, Queensland only had Lone Members with a Qld State Councillor appointed as the Lone Member’s Officer.  The Lone Member’s Officer received one vote at conference, but this was considered unfair as the other states had Lone Member’s Branches that were entitled to two votes.  After a couple of motions being narrowly lost, a motion was finally passed at the 2002 State Conference.  This motion allowed State Council to change the Constitution and form a Lone Member’s Branch that was entitled to two votes!

Apparently the original reason for Queensland not having a Lone Member’s Branch, was so "non-isolated" people could not take over the organisation.  Furthermore, before the formation of the Lone Member’s Branch, any Lone Member who wanted to put a motion to conference had to do so through Queensland Council, hence the motion could easily be vetted.


Almost a third of the branch’s memberships are members who don't live near an existing branch, but want to be involved.  Delegates from the Lone Member’s Branch have often represented the branch at State and Federal conferences.  As with a regular branch, the Lone Member’s Branch offers to pay conference expenses and sometimes members have been lucky enough to be sponsored.  

The Lone Member’s Branch does not hold meetings.  Members are kept informed via emails, and the Queensland Compass newsletters which are forwarded to members by email.  Members also receive a copy of News & Views and the Pedals Magazine.

Branch Activities:

In 2008, State Councillor Heidi Flint organised the inaugural Lone Member’s Pool Competition, which was held on the night before the Mitchell State Conference.  This event was a huge success, and became a much anticipated annual event including trophies!  Whilst the format may change each year, the event continues to raise a small amount for the branch each year.