I am a mother of three girls aged 23 to 15. Two of our girls Jennifer and Edwina are studying at University in Brisbane and the youngest Priscilla is at boarding school at Fairholme College in Toowoomba. Our daughters attended main stream schooling in Mungindi until they went to boarding school. We were also lucky to be able to access a school bus for transport. When our girls were at school I was blessed to be able to be part of their school activities and a keen worker of the school P & C.
My husband and I are in partnership with his parents running a broadacre winter cereal cropping property in the North west of the State almost on the Queensland border. I am primarily the book keeper for the business and chaser bin driver at harvest time.
I was born and bred on the land in the Surat district in South Western Queensland. I completed my secondary schooling at Fairholme College after attending the Surat State School for my primary years. I enjoy the challenges this type of lifestyle brings. After completing my secondary years I became the Executive Officer for the Maranoa Division of the United Graziers’ Association. I absolutely loved this job and learnt so much, with great people. It was my life for 16 years.
I am passionate about what ICPA has achieved in 47 years and what potentially can be achieved as a united voice. I am enjoying the learning curve the communications portfolio is bringing to me. I am Secretary of the Collerenebri Mungindi Branch.
In my spare time I enjoy gardening, walking and playing tennis. I am also an avid supporter of the community being the Secretary/Treasurer of the Weemelah Hall Committee and the Secretary of the Weemelah CWA.