Boarding/Hostels/Second Home Financial Assistance

Federal Allowances 2024 for Rural and Remote Students

The Federal Allowances 2024 for Rural and Remote Students is an all-in-one document containing financial assistance information for students in distance education, boarding, tertiary and training.

Federal Allowances 2024 for Rural and Remote Students

boy with books
Financial assistance

The Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) is a Federal Government payment for parents and carers of children who are unable to access a local state school and who meet certain criteria.

To be eligible for this allowance, your child must satisfy certain living, age and study requirements and meet one of the following criteria:

  • is geographically isolated
  • has a disability or special education need
  • has no reasonable access to a government school.

To view eligibility criteria, follow this link

To view payment types, rates and frequency, follow this link

For details on how to claim, follow this link

To find out how to manage your payment with options and obligations, follow this link

Click here to download the 2024 Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) payment dates.  These may vary between states.

Click here to view the 2024 Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) payment rates.

State Allowance Overview

In addition to the Federal Government AIC Allowance, States and Territories of Australia has allowances for students who meet the relevant criteria.

Follow these links to find out further information regarding these allowances.

New South Wales - Living Away From Home Allowance (LAFHA)

Northern Territory - Boarding Allowance 

Queensland - Living Away From Home Allowance (LAFHA)

South Australia - State Education Allowance (SEA)

Tasmania - Student Accommodation Allowance (SAA)

Victoria - no known State allowance

Western Australia - Boarding Away From Home (BAHA)