Media Releases

Provides up to date ICPA (Aust) Media Releases on current advocacy issues.

Items in this section

ICPA (Aust) Federal Conference Media Alert

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Page Updated: Tuesday, 1 August 2023

ICPA (Aust) Federal Conference set to address the disparity in educational opportunities for geographically isolated children.


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Page Updated: Friday, 2 December 2022

ICPA (Aust) is observing Geographically Isolated Distance Education Day.

Pre-Delegation Media Release

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Page Updated: Friday, 2 December 2022

ICPA (Aust) Federal Councillors will meet with 30 Federal Ministers, Members of Parliament and Senators in Canberra.

ICPA Federal Post Conference Media Statement

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Page Updated: Monday, 8 August 2022

Wave of Outback Dust Hits the Gusty Perth Shoreline

ICPA Federal Pre Conference Media Statement

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Page Updated: Monday, 8 August 2022

The final preparations are underway for the Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association 51st annual Federal Conference.

ICPA (AUST) Welcomes New Government and Calls For A Rural and Regional Education Minister

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Page Updated: Tuesday, 2 August 2022

ICPA (Aust) congratulates and welcomes Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his newly elected federal Labor Government.

Distance Education Teaching Allowance

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Page Updated: Friday, 10 June 2022

Families living in isolated parts of Australia have the mammoth task of providing someone to support their children as they complete their schooling.