Rural and Remote locations in Australia provide the greatest challenges for improving provision of education options and pathways for children and families. Many children attend small schools with limited subject availability. More isolated schools consist of one teacher classrooms that comprove multi-levels from Reception to Year 6. Air and road travel are essential modes of travel for rural and remote living and education as long distances are not avoidable and most time difficult with current challenges for families.
- A School Traveling Allowance is available for primary and secondary students living 5km or more from their nearest public school or school bus run. An application needs to be completed and presented to the school for the principal to approve, it is then lodged by your school to the Department for Education on your behalf. The school Travelling Allowance should see a rate increase every year in line with CPI, and is currently at 26.84 c/km. This rate is calculated in 2km brackets and multiplied by 4 trips a day.
- Should members notice urgent road hazards they are encouraged to contact the Departments Traffic Management Centre, which is available 24/7 on 1800 018 313
- The continuance of the National School Chaplaincy Program
- The methodology of the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) rebate can be accessed by students travelling to Canberra as support to the civics and citizenship curriculum.
- Students can commence school-based apprenticeships.
Something to be aware of is that whilst the rate for conveying students to and from school (Student Travelling Allowance) does have a small rate increase every year in line with CPI, the base rate has only seen an increase of about 4 cents in the last 10 years and is very out of touch compared to the rates other states get for similar allowances.
- Increasing the Car Allowance component of the Student Travelling Allowance Scheme.
- Conveying to appropriate departments how vital having a functional road system is to our members to ensure access to educational opportunities.
- Review and retention of bus routes and students' numbers on those buses, including kindy aged children.
- Lobbying airlines servicing the northern areas of SA to provide a student fare.
- Agricultural programs within South Australian Schools that provide learning opportunities in the pastoral industry for high school students.
Agricultural Options in SA Schools
A comprehensive list of agricultural programs offered in SA Schools has been compiled for your information.
Ag Options in SA High Schools.pdf
Transport Services Unit - Department for Education
Travel Allowance for school students living 4km or more from the nearest public school or school bus run. This allowance is paid per km and you need to apply through your school. You can also phone the Department for Education on 8226 2406 if you have any questions about the allowance.
ICPA Federal Rural Schools Portfolio Information
ICPA Federal Rural Schools page
ICPA Federal School Travel Portfolio Information
ICPA Federal School Travel page
Australian School-Based Apprenticeships
Australian School-based Apprenticeships are a great career option, allowing young Australians to commence training for a vocational qualification and earn a wage while completing their secondary certificate.
Australian School-based Apprentices.pdf (australianapprenticeships.gov.au)
Pacer Rebate
The Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) program is an initiative of the federal government providing to partially offset the cost of travel and accommodation for school students visits to Canberra for onsite learning about national democratic, historical and cultural institutions and funds are allocated per student based on a school’s distance from Canberra.
Parliament and Civics Education Rebate
The National School Chaplaincy Program
The National School Chaplaincy Program (NSCP) supports student and school community wellbeing in over 3000 school communities.
National School Chaplaincy Program (NSCP)
SA ICPA 2024 State Conference Motions
SA ICPA 2024 State Conference Motions
view2024 Motion Response to Members
The following is a document that has combined all motion responses and any follow up that have been undertaken since the 2024 State Conference.
view2024 Allowances for Rural and Remote Families
SA ICPA have updated information regarding State and Federal education allowances
viewSupporting Case Study Template
Please use this form to provide State Council with case studies to support their advocacy for motions carried at State Conference.
view2020 Indulkuninna Foundation Bursary
The Indulkaninna Foundation bursary benefitted SA ICPA member students to the value of $10,000 to support education for disadvantaged rural students
viewSA ICPA Rural Schools and School Travel Porfolio Information Sheet
What is good to know and what we are working on in the Rural Schoosl and School Travel Portfolio
viewSA ICPA 2021 State Conference Motions
SA ICPA 2021 motions presented to State Conference
viewSA ICPA 2019 State Conference Motions
SA ICPA 2019 State Conference Motions