Alice Springs Branch

The Alice Springs Branch was formed in 1979. After a staggered start, the branch hosted the 11th Federal Conference in 1982. This was a motivating factor for the Branch and from this time it grew rapidly.

The Branch is a supportive group of people who are all interested in the improvement of outback education and facility access. Administration expenses aside, the money that is raised is used for travel and accommodation expenses for parents to attend conferences or to meet with relevant politicians or education department personnel. In addition, scholarships and bursaries are funded, and donations to isolated children's activities.


  • Alice Springs School of Air -$1500 for a member’s child leaving ASSOA (yr 6/ 7/8/9)
  • St Philip’s - $2000 (towards boarding) for a member’s child currently enrolled at St Philip’s College.
  • Secondary Grant - $2000 to member’s child in a secondary school, other than St Philip’s.
  • Senior and Junior Personal Development Grants - up to $1000 (for each age group) to a member’s child year to assist with the costs associated to attend an educationally-based seminar, course, or activity of their choice.

Grant application forms can be found at this link.

The Association is voluntary and no member or committee executive receives any payment for services.

Alice Springs Branch meetings are held approximately every 2-3 months during an In-Town Gathering. If you are in town on a meeting date, you are quite welcome to attend in the School of the Air studio. At least one meeting each year is a face-to-face meeting, combined with a social function; this is usually the AGM late in the year.

At present, we have a strong Alice Springs branch of the ICPA but would like to see many more active members. To function as it really should, we need the support and interest of all the isolated parents in our area.

All interested persons are invited to join the branch or association. Simply forward your membership fee along with your name and address to the branch by the link below.

Senior Personal Development Grant

Senior Personal Development Grant
Senior Personal Development Grant

Our Senior Personal Development Grants are now open.  Click on the image above for more information and the Application form.

Other Grants Available & Open

Our Junior and Secondary  Personal Development Grants are now open. Click on the image below for the Junior Grant  information and the Application Form.

The St Phillips Grant is also open. 

To see all grants please go to

2025 Student Assistance Application now open

Welcome to Alice Springs

Take a look at this interesting snapshot of  'A Town Like Alice'.

Welcome to Alice

Tutors Studying for the Cert IV Education Support & Training through CDU

Tutors studying hard

Alice Springs Branch NTCA Dinner Fundraiser


Alice Springs Branch Committee Past & Present

Committee Past & Present

Alice Springs Committee Past & Present 2024

Branch Executive
ICPA NT Alice Springs Branch Vice President Danyelle Haigh

Danyelle Haigh

ICPA NT Alice Springs Branch Vice President Amanda Kimpton

Amanda Kimpton

Vice President
Alice Springs Branch Secretary Katy Hayes

Katy Hayes

ICPA NT State Vice President, Kiya Gill

Kiya Gill

Public Officer
ICPA NT Alice Springs Branch Grants Secretary Amanda Brown

Amanda Brown

Grants Secretary

Sally Muenster

Publicity Officer
ICPA NT Alice Springs Branch Grants Officer, Benjamin Quilliam

Benjamin Quilliam

ICPA NT Alice Springs Branch Committee Member Grianne Martin

Grianne Martin


Lara Grocke


Brandi Lee Shannon

Branch Life Members
ICPA NT State Council Logo used as temporary image

Denise Board

Life Member
ICPA NT State Life Member, Liz Bird

Liz Bird

Life Member
ICPA NT State Life Member, Janice Heaslip

Janice Heaslip

Life Member