Published: Friday, 19 April 2024

Tertiary Access Payment 2024 – APPLY NOW !!
The Tertiary Access Payment is a one-off, means tested payment for rural and remote students commencing study in Semester 1 or Semester 2 in the year following year 12, of up to $5000, to assist with the cost of relocation – start-up expenses, cost of living, direct costs of education or training and the cost of travelling home in semester breaks.
Do you fulfil these eligibility criteria?
- Do you live in an inner regional, outer regional, remote or very remote area AND
- Commencing study in the year immediately following completion of year 12 or equivalent AND
- Studying a full-time university course, a Vocational Education and Training (VET) course or other higher education course (Certificate IV or above) of a minimum duration of one year AND
- Relocating at least 90 minutes from your regional or remote family home by public transport to commence a higher-level tertiary education AND
- Combined parental income is $250,000 or less
Visit Services Australia here for full details including eligibility criteria and to apply. Applications open on 1 January and close 31 December in the year of application