Published: Thursday, 15 April 2021
man on verandah reading pedals

From Raelene Hall

Editor, Pedals

Welcome to 2021. One month has already gone -who knows where?

Sorry for those of you still trying to find time to read your January issue of Pedals but...... It's time to start gathering material for the next (April) issue.

Deadline is 15th February

All material is welcome. Here's a few ideas that might inspire you.

Starting a new year of school -as a mum, home tutor, governess or student, from early childhood through to tertiary

Your christmas and New Year stories

Plans for 2021 (covid permitting)

Your goals and dreams for 2021 or for any period of your life

Book reviews, music reviews, movie reviews

Tips and tricks for anything and everything


Branch news

State News

Conference updates

If you have any queries about suitable articles please feel free to drop me a line or give me a call.

If sending photos with your articles could I please ask you to send them as high resolution jpeg files with a caption for the photo and the names of people in it (if not too many) and the place if relevant. Please ensure you have permission to share photos that are a) not yours or b) have other people's children in them.

If you could please send your articles as word documents with just basic formatting. Please include a title for your article (it may change but it helps me keep track of articles).

Again please feel free to contact me with any queries. You can email me

Looking forward to an overflowing inbox.

Kind regards

Raelene Hall
