As the daughter of publicans, Petie grew up in both South Australia and Victoria in various locations. She did school through both school of the air Port Augusta and main stream public schools until deciding school wasn’t for her and left after completing year 11. She completed a certificate in hospitality before heading away to work on stations. After meeting Ryan while on her travels, they settled on Ryan’s family owned and run property The Twins Station in the north west pastoral district of SA, raising their four children.
Their daughter is currently at boarding school in Adelaide, while their 3 sons are completing primary school through Port Augusta School of the Air.
Petie joined the local North West ICPA branch in 2009 and took the role of publicity officer from 2009 until 2018, when she was nominated as secretary. Petie was on state council from 2014 until 2020, holding the Distance Education portfolio during that time. She was elected as Publicity officer on State Council in 2017 until 2020.