That ICPA NT works with relevant stakeholders and providers to investigate trade focussed secondary options with appropriate and affordable boarding for our GI students within the NT.
Despite the NT being in drastic need of tradespeople, there are few, if any, solely trade based secondary options within the NT. Many highschools are offering VET and certificate options in Secondary school but these are alongside mainstream other subjects. A trade focused school, with conceptualised English and Maths where the subjects are able to be related directly to a practical trade application is overdue. This will help to keep teenagers engaged, less disruptive to other students and increase their chance to become productive members of society.
Equally important, is the current lack of boarding facilities - appropriate and affordable - to match those schools who do offer such subjects.
Potential models from across Australia: TecNQ in Townsville Potential stakeholders: NT Dept of Education & Training; Charles Darwin University (CDU) - Katherine