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A.01Alice Springs Branch
That ICPA NT lobbies the Northern Territory Department of Education to change the way they measure zones to allocate financial assistance under the Student Assistance Schemes Guidelines and Procedures from the current radius method to actual distance travelled.
A.02Alice Springs Branch
That ICPA NT requests that the Department of Education share their findings on their recent review of the “Back to School Payment Scheme" and how distance education students can make the most of this scheme.
A.03Alice Springs Branch
That ICPA NT lobbies the NT Department of Education, to adapt the Distance and Correspondence Education Conditions, under the Student Assistance Scheme Guidelines and Procedures, to allow for students that do not reside in the Northern Territory but are enrolled in a Northern Territory Distance Education school to make a special application for benefits through a Director of Financial Services.
A.04Alice Springs Branch
That ICPA NT lobbies the Department of Education to increase the maximum reimbursement amount of their internet subsidy scheme from $174 a month to $195 a month, in line with the current costs of the internet.
A.05Katherine Branch
That ICPA NT requests that the Department of Education and Training annually review the Student Assistance Scheme - Boarding Allowance, including the zone methodology and allowance amounts, to ensure all geographically isolated boarding students are adequately and fairly, financially supported to complete their compulsory schooling.
A.06Katherine Branch
That ICPA NT request that the Department of Education and Training extend the Back-to-School voucher scheme to all Northern Territory Geographically Isolated students that are required to Board Interstate to complete their compulsory schooling.
A.07Katherine Branch
That ICPA NT encourages the NT Department of Education and Training to annually review and improve the Student Assistance Scheme application, re-application and processing systems and ensure the scheme subsidies and assistance is appropriate to the needs of isolated students.
A.08Katherine Branch
That ICPA NT request the NT Student Assistance Scheme includes all students eligible for the Federal Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme - under the 'Isolated Conditions - No reasonable Access to School' Clause, where families are required to work onsite at various geographically isolated locations throughout the school year preventing them from being able to enroll in a conventional public school.
A.09NT State Council
That ICPA NT works with relevant stakeholders and providers to investigate trade focussed secondary options with appropriate and affordable boarding for our GI students within the NT.
A.10NT State Council
That ICPA NT supports the Australian Boarding Standard and its adoption and continual improvement in all boarding schools.
A.11Katherine Branch
That ICPA NT ensure the NT Department of Education and Training subsidises the full amount of school room internet to families, and remains a key participant and advisor to the Department of Education and Training regarding the provision required for distance education.
A.12Katherine Branch
That ICPA NT requests the NT Department of Education to ensure all Geographically Isolated students receive a laptop at no cost to the families, through Katherine School of the Air. Either through the form of a bond, or no cost.
A.13Alice Springs Branch
That ICPA NT express to the Department of Education the importance of continued regular communication between Distance Education Schools and the Department of Corporate and Digital Development. We understand these meetings have been planned to commence in 2025. We want to ensure they occur regularly and are ongoing.
A.14NT State Council
That ICPA NT requests the Education Minister and Department of Education to conduct a comprehensive review of the NT Schools of Distance Education and Schools of the Air to ensure that they remain cutting edge, contemporary and are an appropriate custom-fit, for Geographically Isolated students.
A.15NT State Council
hat ICPA NT requests the NT Education Minister and Dept of Education & Training support the campaign by ICPA (Aust) to the Federal Government to add an additional loading category to the School Resourcing Model for Geographic Isolated students.
A.16NT State Council
That ICPA NT works with the Department of Education and Training and all other relevant stakeholders for the formation of a Distance Education Supervision subsidy (name is not important) to assist GI families whose only choice for their children is Distance Education.
A.17Alice Springs Branch
ICPA NT thanks the Department of Education and Training FaFT program for continuing to deliver playgroups during in -school weeks in Alice Springs. We request that the Department of Education and training develop and implement new early learning programs for geographically isolated children In Central Australia.
A.18Katherine Branch
That ICPA NT implore the Minister for Logistics and Infrastructure to increase maintenance of roads to ensure safe conditions for families travelling to attend for educational purposes and school staff.
A.19NT State Council
That ICPA NT lobbies Qantas to extend their Resident Fares Scheme for travel for geographically isolated students.
A.20NT State Council
That ICPA NT works with the major airlines to determine a more consistent and fairer pricing structure for geographically isolated students who must travel to attend educational institutions.
A.21Katherine Branch
That ICPA NT requests that the Dept of Education and Training provides targeted support and funding to the Additional Needs team at Schools of the Air to educate and support Home Tutors and families of students who are Geographically Isolated and have recognised additional needs.
A.22NT State Council
That ICPA NT advocate for the continuation and expansion of the Home Tutor Program through Charles Darwin University.
AGM.01NT State Council
That the previous Conference record of proceedings and motions (made available electronically and print copy available from the Secretary) be accepted - 29 February 2024
AGM.02NT State Council
That the reports as presented during the conference and recorded in the 2025 NT State Reports document, be accepted.
AGM.04NT State Council
That the 2024 Financial Statements as audited by Venissa Mather, Your Local Auditor, be accepted.
AGM.05NT State Council
That the NT component of annual membership fee for 2025 remain at $25
AGM.06NT State Council
That Venissa Mather, Your Local Auditor be appointed the auditors for 2025.
AGM.07NT State Council
That the Territory Wide Branch Report be accepted
AGM.08NT State Council
That the Territory Wide Branch component of annual membership fee for 2025 remain at $25.
AGM.09NT State Council
That the signatories for ICPA NT bank accounts in 2025/2026 be President, Treasurer and Secretary.
AGM.10NT State Council
That the Honorable Vicki O’Halloran AO, continue as Patron of ICPA NT for the 2025/2026 year.
AGM.11NT State Council
That the following people be appointed to the following off Council Positions
AGM.12NT State Council
That the 2026 ICPA NT State Conference be hosted by Alice Springs Branch
AGM.13NT State Council
That the Policy Changes as circulated be accepted.